Your an apostate whether you are an ex JW or just a member of a christian church .

by smiddy 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    Jehovahs witnesses have long said that christendom has apostasised itself from the true religion after the apostles left the scene , and by the 3rd /4th century the weeds had taken over .

    However they have always taken a softer stand with christendoms members because thats where their potential members would come from , and for decades this proved to be true. Is this still the case ? or has their been a shift by witnesses against family members who are of a different faith .

    A baptised witness who leaves the religion is cut off , shunned by family members unless they return to the fold.

    Depending on the time one has been a witness , how strong they are as members , or how indoctrinated they are does tend to vary with individuals.

    Yet the organization has strongly come out against apostates especially among their own , do you see a trend against family members who are christian though not JW`s ?


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hm not sure. I would think that JWs would still be expected to be tolerant of their relatives of other faiths with the view of giving a witness and sucking them in. Wherever there's a potential convert to be made, JWs should, according to the teachings, be a 'good witness' but not go to the relative's church (weddings and funerals are a conscience matter).

    Interestingly, most JW preaching materials are targeted at 'Christendom's' people. If the WT is gonna rag on a religion, it is going to be the bulk of Christian faith (as if the zillions of denominations actually believe, practice and represent the same things!) and not say, Buddhism and certainly not Islam. Ragging on Islam would get them blown up!

    I know as someone who had never-JW relatives including my closest family members, the pressure was on me to 'win them without a word' through good conduct. There were those who tried to drive a wedge in between me and my parents, but I never listened to them. I love my parents, and being with them was not so much about converting them but the intrinsic benefits of our relationship. A more 'spiritual' JW might have completely cut off their never-JW parents. I know of quite a few converts who cooled it with the family after they became JWs.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Your statement really demands that a crucial question must be asked of any Witness, namely, "If Christendom is APOSTATE, and by extension its ADHERENTS are also apostate, then why do you go and speak to to APOSTATES in your ministry?

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    They want it both ways. I've wondered the same thing myself, as a never-JW, who is now been ex-communicated by my sister for no valid reason.

    She has made the statement, "We have a hard time explaining things to our kids." -- "Like what?" -- "You know, idolatry. Apostasy." -- "Can you give me an example?" -- silence.

    I am left wondering if she is having a hard time explaining why we sings songs about Jesus, go to church and do things for the homeless. My kids are happy and playful, even though their JW cousins are obviously being told we are all going to die very soon.

    Instead of trying to reach us, they are shunning us and leaving us to die at Armageddon.

    My mom is caught between it all, and there are signs she is awake but feeling trapped.

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