Something I Never Understood: Inactive or Disfellowshipped People Shunning Others That Were Disfellowshipped!

by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I don't know if you experienced this before, but I was always wondering why inactive or DF'd JWs look down upon others, even not acknowledging their fellow sinners.

    Any thoughts???

  • Viviane

    The elders tell them not to associate with other DFed people.

  • minimus

    I know that but some of them shun because THEY want to, thinking it's the right thing to do.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Lots of DFed people shun anyone associated with JWs. Some just are mostly alone, feeling it is their punishment. My mom won't speak to me because she's DFed and thinks I'm a believer. If she knew I wasn't a believer, she still wouldn't talk to me.

    I can't imagine what that must feel like. To have all of the cult fears and phobias and actually believe that gawd is gonna end the world any minute now, and you with it. All because you disobeyed some old men's rules. Disgusting.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I suppose there are several reasons. I’m still viewed as a Witness. I have very limited contact with “out of the truth” people simply because there aren’t that many here and the only thing we had in common was a religion. But I’m “nice” to them on the rare occasion I see them.

    I refused to associate with one in any way. He’s a cruel, vulgar, drug-using, womanizing, abusive man. He uses his position in business to prey on and degrade others. I won’t talk to him at all. He’s my brother.

    There are wicked people. He’s one.

    For some years we had a pedophile floating around this area. I was chairman of the committee that disfellowshipped him for “playing with” his daughter. That was his description of what he did. He was reinstated after some years. I still won’t talk to him or associate with him in any way. Once a pedophile, always a pedophile.

    A shared rejection of Witness practice or theology does not mean that we should all embrace each other. We make choices in life. Some choices are wrong.

    Another issue is how deeply ingrained WatchTower practice is in the minds of many ex-Witnesses. There is a persistent guilt factor. And there is embarrassment. Some of those who post here are people of conscience. Some are on this board because they were tossed out for behavior issues, and they don’t like it. There are admirable people here, and fruitcakes, and the vulgar and common. A shared experience does not create bonds.

  • mynameislame

    Just because they are out doesn't mean they don't still believe it.

    I had a friend who was also DFed and we did hang out on occasion but her opinion was that she was litteraly commiting suicide by not getting reinstated.

    So the people that won't talk to you probably feel like it would be adding to thier sins..

    On the other hand I have had farily long conversations with people that were tecnically still in as far as I know.

  • minimus

    Cults can eff u up!


    I was always wondering why inactive or DF'd JWs look down upon others, even not acknowledging their fellow sinners.

    .....................I`m a JW.....................I Want to Act Like a JW..

    ................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • SAHS

    “Minimus” “cults can eff u up!!”

    That’s for f^ck’n sure!

  • WTWizard

    This is what happens when someone gets disfellowshipped and warned that, if they associate with other disfellowshipped people, they are going to ruin their chances for reinstatement. Inactive people are afraid of getting caught, hauled to the back room, and brought before a judicial committee. They are also afraid that, if the hounders see fit, they could be forced or dragged back into the cancer--especially those witlesses who are inactive, never attend anything, and would not go along with the game. To them, it is not worth wasting time sitting through boasting sessions at risk of being dragged right back into the cancer.

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