Are christians offended by this statue? Is it the sin of idolatry?
You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
by zound 5 Replies latest jw friends
Are christians offended by this statue? Is it the sin of idolatry?
You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
would be a good disguise for a cellphone tower,room for an elevator, a staircase in it, with view ports like the Statue of Liberty.
Its to show the contrast for lack of facilities in the favellas.
religion is showy, but a waste of resources.
Yes, of course its idolatry. But Catholics have been taught that they are just visual aids that are 'venerated' not idolised.
To make it realistic, why not drape a talking snake around it, for without it's seductive massage, we would not have needed a redeemer.
We could erect a statue of Pele instead the modern/past day hero of Brazil.
could still be done, a re-buid. Rome did it with pagan temples to churches. KH to churches. and
look at the sports field on the plains below, the modern day religious fervour outlet.
I like it. It is not high art but it is iconic. Isn't it a Christ the King that shows its victory rather than a gruesome, grotesque crucifix? I had a Christ the King crufiic to show victory over death. Medieval art gives me a physical reaction of "get me out of here." I can't stand looking at it. Jesus, Mary and the rest have the worst pallor, the scenes are over the top. The galleries in New York are on the way to the ladies' room. I pick up my speed to make the transit.
Thank Goodness that the Renaissance arrives.