by The Searcher 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Nope - it ain't a typo!!

    Because, what are advertised as "PUBLIC" talks, hit below the belt! They are simply more Org-fed propaganda for the congregation, and if there happens to be some poor unsuspecting sucker in the audience - so be it!

    Two cardinal examples which make me cringe - both of which were spouted out at today's meeting:

    1) During the PUBLIC talk - "Let's read this Scripture which we are ALL very familiar with".

    2) During the prayer - "The only place of TRUE worship in our town".

    If I were a non-Witness hearing this, I'd rather not come back to such an arrogant and self-righteous place!!

    Any "glorious ones" ones lurking here today? Take note, and counsel your buddies on their vocabulary!


    I've noticed this as well. During the 'special talk', to which the public is specifically invited, Bible verses mentioned have the members constantly flipping through their Bibles. Any unsuspecting public person without a Bible would feel TOTALLY left out and lost.

  • Phizzy

    The letter given to new Public Speakers and the Theo. Min guidebook both give instruction on this, not using esoteric terms etc, but most JW's don't read and take in such things, they follow the lead of those who have gone before them.

    With apologies to Sir Isaak Newton, and all short people, this is a kind of "Standing on the shoulders of mental Pygmies".

    This is, as well, the reason you get prayers that seem to come from the same script, they copy eachother.


  • piztjw

    Reminds me of years ago when the KM always had a letter from Crooklyn on the front page,

    I always scratched over their salutation my own...Dear Kingdom Pubic Hairs, instead of dear kingdom publishers.

  • piztjw

    "Let's read this Scripture which we are ALL very familiar with".

    As the elderette in the front row fumbles with her Bible and can't find it because she forgot her new tablet.

  • eyeuse2badub

    "Let's read this Scripture which we are ALL very familiar with".

    The reason jw's "are all very familiar with" it is because there are really only about 75-80 Scriptures that are used regularly by the wtbts's literature. Yep about 80% of the time those 75-80 scriptures are used to 'prove' jw dogma. Most jw's know only those 75-80 verses even though there are 31,137 (+ or -) verses in the Bible.

    You know that old saying, "Repetition is the mother of indoctrination" or something like that.

    Just saying!


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