In preparing this section it got too long so I have decided to break it into two sections.
If you have read each of this series you have seen I am taking more of a scientific/philosophical look at belief in God or the lack of. I hope I have cast some doubt on the inappropriateness of using hyperbolic doubt to invalidated the existence of God. This scientific method has its place in the physical world of intangibles such as components of the atom, of organisms or makeup of the universe, especially with the use of the tool of modern mathematics. There are other intangibles, however, that cannot be proven by a mathematic formula such as love, sense of family responsibility, self esteem or lack there of.
Another intangible is the existence of God. Mankind, even Bible writers, literalized our impression of God with words such as: Father, Son, a Thrown, a place He lives called Heaven. This may have helped early, or simple mankind, to relate to a superior Being but for the “enlightened” world it has lead many to believe we should be able to test God’s existence by the Cartesian method as if these things were literal.
Because these images are not literal, we cannot test them by the scientific method. We will not PROVE there is a place called heaven because there is no literal, physical place. We will not discover an old bearded man sitting on a throne nor find angels with wings. These are only images created by men to convey a thought, a spiritual message.
If we can dispense with the literal imaging and look instead for its purpose, a spiritual message, then we will no longer be looking for “proof” of existence or scientific evidence. What we will be left with is a spiritual CONCEPT, a BELIEF that is not of a literal nature and therefore cannot be tested by the tools of science.
The following are illustrative.
Monogamy: Why is monogamy generally accepted (I understand nearly one third of the world allows for polygamy, but how do you women feel about that)? From where did this belief come? Why do most of us believe in momogamy? To even consider taking on another partner makes many if not most squirm. It is a belief that just FEELS right. Then we can observe the affects of ignoring this feeling and we see evidence (though not prove) that our belief is valid.
Responsibility to Children: Why do we feel a responsibility to family? Why do most feel we cannot spawn children and then walk away? One could say this is instinctive, not a belief. But even if this is so, what is an instinct, if not a sense of the way things should be, what is true and proper. If you want to say this is not a belief but it is programmed behavior, then you must prove this by the scientific method that such a literal program exists. Remember, the scientific method does not explain “values’ or “purpose”. (Part III)
Just as most of us share these beliefs, or values, many of us share a belief in a superior spiritual world. Back to the God Spot! (Part I) As Abaddon expressed in Part I this could be something evolved to protect the species. But this cannot be “proven” by the scientific method anymore than God’s existence. Both explanations are simply CONFESSIONS – improvable beliefs.
Along with the above examples of concepts in which we believe without requiring a scientific test of validity, I believe there is something spiritual greater them myself.
I remember the story of the Russian scientist Dimitri Mendeleiv (father of the periodic chart) contemplating the relationship of the known elements of his time. He eventually realized there were relationships that could be grouped into families of elements. He, like many other seekers of the unproven, saw a harmony, a consistency that was beyond coincidence. He believed there was something there and published his beliefs only to receive the scorn of many of his contemporaries. He was, in just a few years, vindicated. However, those who believe in God cannot expect proof as did Mendeleiv. But many see enough evidence to believe there is something there, something as valid as our sense of monogamy and our care for our children.
We have been hurt by religion. Not just the WT society has hurt mankind but all religion, especially fundamentalist religion such as the WT and extreme Islam, if not by orthodox religion as well. I suspect the world would be better off with no organized religion. As pointed out many times on this board the slogan “Religion is a Snare and a Racket” is probably the only thing J. F. Rutherford got right.
Another poster’s signature here was “Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship”. That is the message of the Bible. But a relationship with who, are what? Surely not the violent, jealous Jehovah of the Hebrew scriptures?
So if not a religion but a relationship, with what spiritual entity is the relationship to be established? What spiritual ‘message’ is of any value to modern society?
This will be addressed in the final part of this series soon to be posted.