Writing letter to the society...Help!

by TheApostleAK 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    Can someone who knows, tell me what to say and not to say when writing a letter to the society?

    Do they answer all letters or not? Is it best to write a sort of "ass kissing" letter or not?


    From AK

  • dungbeetle

    a**-kissing is good.

    Beyond that, I don't know. If I want to contact the Society, I would just use this board.

    Seriously, are you okay? I mean, feeling okay with everything that's happened?

    ((((A AK )))))

  • avengers

    With a rocket-launcher you can mail it straight into the top floor.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    It would not be in vain. You will have released your pent-up emotions as this is good for the soul. As to expecting a reply, do not hold your breath. In addition, you would have it on file for future reference, adjustments and a good laugh!

    Plan your attack and speak from the heart.

    Guest 77

  • Prisca

    Hey AK,

    Just keep in mind that whatever you write to the WTS about, they will CC their reply to your local elders. So the elders will get a pretty good idea what you wrote to the Society about.Doesn't mean you'll get a visit, but don't expect any privacy when the WTS is involved.

    Also, if you write to the Oz branch you will get a reply, whereas I never heard back from Brooklyn.

    Just speaking from personal experience.

    BTW, how you been? Send me an email - long time no hear.

  • TheOldHippie

    Austria: Replies very quickly and friendly.
    Germany: Replies quickly and very thoroughly.
    Denmark: Replies very quickly and friendly.
    Norway: Hardly ever replies, and if, then very slowly (up to a year)and patronizing, writing between the lines that you should have known better than writing them and disturbing them in their important business.
    USA: Has not replied me yet, but then it is only two years since I wrote.
    As you can see, it varies. Don't "lick", write things as they are. But then, why should one be unfriendly or shouting? I never do that in letters to whoever it is that I am writing.

  • Amazing

    Were I to write them today, the salutation would be something like, "Dear Agents of Satan the Devil" ... Seriously, I am not sure just how I would approach it.

    "Can someone who knows, tell me what to say and not to say when writing a letter to the society?"
    It depends on why you are writing to them. If a person writing is a JW, I recommend a very cautious 'kiss-ass' type of letter ... but, when JWs write to the Society, they tend to instinctively be that way, because subsconsciously they are scared of the Society, not because of anything necessarily overt, but the Society is really an unknown to them.

    My own letter to them was about a page and a half, did not get into Bible arguments, but dealt with serious issues locally, and was a demand letter. It was somewhat easy-going in the beginning, but became terse near the end.

    "Do they answer all letters or not? Is it best to write a sort of "ass kissing" letter or not?"
    It all depends on what you write about. Many years ago, as Congregation Secretary, I wrote a short letter with a request for their guidance on a procedural issue, and they never responded.

    My only other letter, the one mentioned above, I sent certified, so I know they received it. They did not respond for nearly two years. The only basis for their response is that the local Elders finally had what they believed a valid basis on which to DA me.

    If you are writing to them with Bible questions and confusion about their various contradicting teachings on some point, I would do the following:

    1. Ask a nearby non-JW relative if I can use their address for correspondence, and use a different name than my own. Let's say your name were Joe Smith, and your non-JW married sister's name is Sally Jones. I would send a letter from Sam Jones, using her return address.

    2. I would write as a "never-been-a-JW" so that the Society would be less inclined to judge me as a potential problem for the local Elders.

    3. I would write with use of non-confrontational style questions, the innocent type.

    4. I would not 'kiss-ass' because then they will know you are a JW in disguise. But I wuld not be crass or abrasive either.

    5. I would not get into confrontational issues, like the child molestation, UN, or local Elder problems, because then they will at least suspect you as being from the media or a JW or ex-JW in disguise.

    6. While not 'kissing-ass' I still would not make any overt allegations about their motives or religious system.

    7. Don't pre-post your draft letter on public boards, like this one, for comment, because the WTS does monitor this and other ex-JW boards, and may recognize your final letter when it arrives. Rather, email some trusted ex-JW friends and get private comments. I would do this simply because someone who is more objective is likely to see things that could trigger a 'red-flag' and highlight it to you.


    Dear ApostleK


    As to writing the society...we have called and written several times to no avail. When we were questioning certains things and had the scriptures to prove it (my husband professed to be anointed inside)gossip of apostacy of course starting spreading. We wrote and wrote and called and called and appealed.... to no avail.

    We wrote each and every governing body member and mailed it certified so that they had to sign it and we would know they at least received it. We begged them to intervene on our behalf and at least see that we were not trouble makers.

    A PETER BROWN signed for ALL 10 letters and we have NEVER heard anything til this day. That was 4 years ago.

    So all I can say is , "Good Luck!"

    Our true story

    JUST A MOM and family (Kim)

  • Fredhall

    More toiletpaper for the Watchtower Society.

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