Don't blame the witnesses ,its just our brains

by sleepy 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Don't blame the witnesses ,its just our brains that make us believe cookoo things.
    Yes thats right , its our brains that are faulty.
    Look if you feed the wrong info into a computer it won't do what you want it to.
    If you feed the wrong info into a human , then just like a computer it can only follow its commands.

    So the brain is limited in how it thinks by what it knows.

    Well actually its more complicated than this.
    But I think, who wants to be a slave to a false organisation?
    No one.People are just miss informed.
    So when someone shuns us or does something else silly I think its just like my computer crashing, their brains are just having a crisis.
    Yes I do get angry , but humans are slaves to their minds which are slaves to the information it takes in.

  • larc


    I think you make a very good point. I was raised in the religion, so that was all I knew. I thought I really was one of God's choosen people. I think that leaving it and going out into another world is as difficult as an American Indian leaving the reservation. It takes a long time to reinculturate yourself, and those you left behind, treat you with great suspicion, even if you aren't disfellowshipped.

  • Matty

    The analogy between computers and people is a strong one. I often compare Microsoft to the GB.

    I’ve had the Works for too long, just stared at the JW blue screen of death for the last time, and I’m now trying to install the Linux of love.

  • rmayer32

    Good point made.


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