The Connection between Elders and the GB

by Jourles 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    If you darn apostates would keep up with the latest rags and attend the meetings against your will, you would see for yourself the direct link between the governing body and the appointment of elders.

    In the last study of the March 15, 2002 Watchtower, page 14 paragraph 7 gives you the damning evidence that you have been looking for.

    ...Our Leader uses this Governing Body to appoint qualified men--whether spirit-anointed or not--as elders in the local congregations...The recommendations and appointments are made after prayer and under the guidance of the holy spirit. Additionally, the individuals appointed give evidence of producing the fruitage of that spirit...These appointed men receive direction from the Governing Body and willingly shepherd the congregation. In this way, Christ is with us now and is actively leading the congregation.
    Can the italicized portion above be any clearer? Is that what everyone has been looking for?
  • Jourles

    Just thought of something else. If the GB wanted to further themselves from the elders, legally, then the above statement should have said, "These appointed men receive suggestions from the Governing Body and willingly shepherd the congregation." That would widen the gap considerably.

    To GB: Make this change of wording in next years release of the 2002 bound volumes and CDROM. If I were them, I would change it to say that.

  • Dutchie

    Jourles, am I reading the quote from the watchtower correctly, when I surmise that it says that not all the elders are spirit appointed? I'm referring to the part that says "whether spirit appointed or not".

  • Elsewhere

    How does one know if an elder is "spirit annointed or not"? Is this their "out" for when an elder screws up?

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Jourles

    No Dutchie, the quote says "spirit anointed" not "appointed."

  • anewperson

    They admit the elders "receive direction" and the phrase "receive direction" is not detailed. However the so-called Christian Congregation of JW (and other fronting corporations) is directly involved in disciplining etc of elders, and it in turn was appointed by whom other than the Governing Body. Thus the Watchtower Society's Governing Body is legally culpable for the misdeeds of its own priest class, the elders, including acts of pedophilia, the hiding of pedophilia and the abetting of pedophilia by allowing pedophiles to go door-to-door in every nation of the earth. Babylon is falling down, falling down. Babylon is falling down, and look who she really i-ssssssssss!

  • Dutchie

    Thanks Jourles, I'm getting new glasses.

    Its just that I thought that all elders were spirit anointed. Are there now two classes of elders?

  • sonoita

    They are not referring to two classes of elders; "spirit
    anointed" meaning part of the 144,000.

  • Pathofthorns
    ...Our Leader uses this Governing Body to appoint qualified men--whether spirit-anointed or not--as elders in the local congregations...

    bold added

    I thought the "spirit-anointed or not" bit was a bit odd. The Governing Body references seem to overwhelm references to the anointed in general, most likely because the typical anointed are not really important except in their immaginations.


  • ronin1

    This is Ronin 1:

    Help me out.

    What spirit?



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