The other day I was in a store, a day just like any other day. I was looking to pick up a diet coke and a sandwich. Suddenly I had a craving for sweets! I walked back to the candy isle and picked up a 'big' Kit Kat bar. MMMMM! I walked back to the check out counter, waited for the clerk to finish the purchases of the customers in front of me, then it was my turn. The clerk rang up my purchases, which I happily paid for, then I exited the store, jumped in my rig and left.
As I was waiting to pull out into traffic, some dumb shit slowed to turn into the lot I was pulling out of(with blinker on) then reconsidered and sped up almost hitting my rig as I was pulling out. We both hammered our brakes, coming to a halt just inches away from a collision. I yelled, "DUMBASS!" then the doofus flipped me the bird and sped off. I chased the dickweed for several blocks, but gave it up when the little girl dumped her bike in the yard and yelled, "DAAAAAAAAAD!" I flipped her off and sped away.
Oh, the joys of being a man!
Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division