I detect a PATTERN here?

by LDH 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Let me see if I got this right.

    JDuds sell literature for 85 years, and collect the profits Tax-Free.

    Billy Graham (?) and his cronies get their nuts in a vise over the same issue, and end up being the defendents in a tax evasion case. (Am I remembering the details? Somebody correct me.)

    The Tax-Man cometh, and the JW file an "Amicus Curiae" with the court because they don't wanna pay taxes any more than the next big corporation--(Billy Graham).

    They lose the case, and are forced to collect sales tax on literature that is "placed" (not sold)[8>] with "householders" (not customers).

    The JW, in the erroneous belief that God is directing their work, [ decide to move to a donation arrangement for literature. They are SURE that removing the price from the cover of the literature will INCREASE those donations to the REAL Value of the rags. In actuality, this is exactly what happened. The donations increased to exactly......$0. LOL.

    The next move, after BEATING the flock for as much as they can with the DONATION crap, is to abandon the subscription service altogether!!

    The hallmark of this religion is the steady diet of pablum mailed to your home (haven't they been bragging for YEARS about how many are printed).....but now, they can't afford to mail them! I guess the Jduds really *ARE* contributing for the full value of the mags!

    Now let's see, what else have they been forced to "simplify." LOL, that gets me every time. First Jehovah blesses the arrangements, but apparently he doesn't know what he's doing either because the 12 Angry Men have to figure out how to "simplify" the "arrangements" for the "sheep."

    No more meals at the assemblies....that was the next to go after they tried to make that a donation arrangement too.

    And I know if any of you spent every break working in the food department you saw the greedy ones coming and asking for as much as their hands could carry....and we all know those are the ones who didn't contribute one red cent.

    So....what's left to be "simplified?"


  • rmayer32

    I remember a few years ago when I was living in Virginia Beach, VA Pat Robertson also had some troubles explaining where certain amounts of money came from when his CBN is non-profit..LOL Not sure what really became of it though.

    They're all a bunch of damn crooks..


  • Scorpion

    Summer, 1959
    "We never solicit donations," WT Society says, on page 27 of the book Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, quoting from Watch Tower magazine, Jan/Feb 1882, p.2

    Early 1980
    State of California informs Jimmy Swaggart Ministries that tax is due for religious books and tapes sold in the State since 1974. Swaggart eventually pays the tax-$183,000.00- but sues for a refund.

    May, 1988 Jimmy Swaggart confesses he had commited a moral sin," reportedly consorting with a prostitute.

    January, 1989
    WT Society distributes Feb., 1989 issue of OUR KINGDOM MINISTRY, declaring that J.W.'s are not "agents or representatives of the WTBTS. (p.3) The article mentions the possibility of "an accident" on private property while distributing literature.

    February, 1989
    U.S. Supreme Court rules that it is illegal for the state of Texas to exempt religious books from sales tax. This strikes down such exemptions in 15 states. Other states with sales taxes had been taxing religious books all along.

    Summer, 1989
    WT Society gives away "free" new books released at U.S. conventions, abandoning the long-standing practice of selling the books. Witnesses are instructed to place donations in contrabution boxes to cover the cost.

    (More to come)


  • Scorpion

    June 22, 1989
    WTBTS files "friend of the court" briefs with U.S. Supreme Court in Jimmy Swaggart case.
    OThers filing "friend of the court" briefs including National Council of Churches and Society for Krishna Consciousness.

    January 17,1990
    U.S. Supreme Court rules against Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, declaring that the sales tax must be paid.

    February 9,1990
    WTBTS writes letter to congregations announcing that literature will no longer be sold to JW's at the KH, and that no price will be set when JW's distribute materials door-to-door.

    February 25,1990
    February 9th letter from WT Society is read at Sunday meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses across the U.S.

    March 1,1990
    New policy of distributing literature without naming a price goes into effect.

    March 11,1990
    Announcement is made at KH's in the U.S. that food will be available at no cost, on a freewill donation basis, at JW conventions.

    [The March 15,1990, WT magazine and March 22nd AWAKE!-printed earlier-still say "25 cents (U.S) copy" and "$5.00 (U.S) per year." The April 1,1990, WT no longer carries a price.]

    I condensed a lot of information LDH. There is actually much more to this but I hope this little bit helps.


  • NewLight2
    Billy Graham (?) and his cronies get their nuts in a vise over
    the same issue, and end up being the defendents in a tax evasion case. (Am I remembering the details? Somebody correct me.)

    It was Jimmy Swaggart, not Billy Graham

    See Links for mor info

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Simply put, 'greed has no morals.'

    Guest 77

  • ignored_one


    I vaguely remember when this was announced at my kingdumb hall over here in the UK. I was probably in my early teens and I don't recall them mentioning the real reason for the change. I just remember a lot of guff about becoming a charity or something. I did find this a little odd but thought no more about it. Funny how you find out the real reason for things years later.

    Ignored One.

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