Problem - Java Scripts

by Guest 77 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    My problem is getting tons of java scripts 'only' when I come on this forum. I've contacted a local technician and he is dumbfounded.

    I intially had problems getting on this forum for reasons I cannot explain, then, when I finally hit base, these java scripts/gremlins took over. It is one big menace. I have to click off ten or more times to get back to computer sanity.

    I would be grateful for any experienced suggestions.

    Guest 77

  • Simon

    Please let me know the OS & browser version you are using and also the error that you are getting and I'll have a look.

    Also, try doing a refresh of the page (Ctrl + F5 on IE) to make sure that the latest versions are loaded.

  • U.2.K.

    Yea I notice that the other day, when I was trying to peek into SYN Profile, lol....

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Thanks Simon. I'll have the technician fiddle with it.

    Guest 77

  • detective

    I'm getting the following error message: invalid character. I haven't had this problem when accessing this page from my work computer before. These error messages started yesterday. Possibly related to the new book ads? I'm using windows 95 if that's helpful.


  • Simon

    yes, possibly - I'll have a dig around.

    Let me know if they stop (try the refresh thing again)

  • detective

    I'm no longer getting the error messages. FYI.

    Thanks, by the way!

  • Simon

    Thanks Detective - I'll try and be more careful in future

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