They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

by under the radar 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I've been running into JWs a lot lately. Some in person, others more by proxy. Last week, just as I was about to leave home for an appointment, the doorbell rang. Yep, you guessed it. Two young and very earnest JWs were there with the latest line of bland patter designed to pique the interest of some naive householder. As I was in a rush, I just said, "I'm an ex-JW and I'm about to leave for a doctor's appointment." And that was that. They put away their literature and mosied on over to the next house.

    I've been in Cambridge UK for the last few days on business. I was off today, so decided to take the train down to London to do some sightseeing. About 15 minutes after leaving the Cambridge station, I was watching the scenery on the left side of the train when what should appear but a big JW.ORG sign in someone's backyard, right next to the tracks. I know my fellow passengers thought I'd lost my mind when I suddenly began laughing and shaking my head at apparently nothing.

    Last instance: earlier this evening, exhausted for walking around London all day, I finally wound up back at the King's Cross Station to catch my train back to Cambridge. Standing on the pavement outside the station was an admittedly attractive young woman holding out JW mags in both hands, apparently trying to entice someone to engage her in conversation. I was so tired I just walked on by. I didn't really want to ruin her day by getting my aposta-cooties on her anyway.

    Like I said, they're everywhere. Y'all be careful out there...

  • nugget

    Never see them so you must have been particularly lucky or unlucky depending on your point of view.

  • Laika

    I live in London, I see them outside the tube station where I get off for work every single working day and occassionally outside various other stations. Really bugs me, I'm trying to forget about them ffs!

  • SuperBoy

    Crystal Palace, Honor Oak Park and Brixton stations: see them regularly.

    My parents came to visit and my Dad popped out for a walk : bumped into two and had the address of local KH - within an hour or two of getting here.

  • Fernando

    Our family was sprung from the Watchtower by a simple question:

    "What is the gospel, in one word?"

    This was all that I as a deceived follower of the Watchtower had waited 40 years for.

    My father died waiting.

    My grandfather died waiting.

    Not a day goes by that I don't feel immense gratitude to the person who cared enough to pause and ask.

  • steve2

    Depends where you live and travel. I seldom if ever see them around the lower North Island of New Zealand. An invite to the recent District Convention was squeezed into our Watchtower-rejecting letterbox but no flesh-and-blood Witnesses for years. Do they no longer chase up not-at-homes?

    I tell you who I see everwhere: Mormons! The fact that most of them are damn attractive looking young men helps - but for me a virtual last straw was riding in a transit bus in which two of the passengers were middle-aged American Mormons ("We're missionaries from Utah and we absolutely adore your country") who were on the poorly dressed and plump side. Standards, people, standards! They're slipping!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I never see them.

    Even though they know where we live (and haven't been to a meeting in about a year).

    Guess I just don't go to Starbucks often enough.


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Forest Hill station as well - I had fun with them there once and now when they see me coming they disappear, leaving the stand of mags unmanned (should that be unpersoned?)

  • quellycatface

    Since I DA'd, about 2 months ago, I also see them a lot.sods law.

  • whathappened

    I ran into a dub at the grocery store on Sunday. She is a very sweet older lady. She said, "Hi, I haven't seen you lately. Are you going to a different Kingdom Hall now?" I said "Oh, I don't go the the Kingdom Hall anymore." She abrubtly said, "Oh, you have a nice day," and turned around with her cart and skidaddled. Guess she was scared that frogs would shoot out of my mouth.

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