Kingdumb Music
by dog is god 4 Replies latest jw friends
dog is god
Does anyone remember she. The brown KM song book came out and we could buy orchestral tapes? do you remember how horrible those tapes were? Like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Who's "she" ?
LOL @ Shirley I was thinking the same thing.
I remember that smut, and it was horrible. You had 225 songs, all about the 3-6 year old intelligence level. So many were so simplified, and variety was non-existent. Oh sure, sometimes they would throw in a single line or exception here and there in a couple of those songs, but nothing to be excited about. The performances were quite lame, and I didn't think there was any way it could get worse. The themes were mostly smut, too--praising joke-hova. How many of those smut songs bashed Satan and His Demons for what joke-hova itself was really doing?
Of course, there is a consensus that they outdid themselves with the newer Kingdumb maladies. I don't even call it "music". From what I heard, reviews of the 2009 preview insinuated that they sounded like Disney songs. Then they were released in September 2009, with instructions to practice them. When they arrived into use January 2010, people were complaining that they sounded like dying cats and cult chants. Almost no positive reviews--it was enough to make many long for the 1984 released songs which were not great but not as bad as the new batch. When there is this close to consensus that the new songs sound like dying cats, and from an organization with a track record of putting out lame and blah-ified rubbish, I don't even need to listen to any of that. That would simply be a waste of electricity, bandwidth, and pollution--and give me a headache.