95% complete table of vaccination references from 1920 to 1954

by ILoveTTATT 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT
    Revista Fecha, Páginas Nombre del Autor Positivo/Negativo?
    1 Golden Age October 13, 1920, p.22 General Negativo
    2 Golden Age March 16-30, 1921, p. 362 H.E. Coffey Positivo
    3 Golden Age Abril 27, 1921, p. 440-442 G. Del Pino, Glasgow Positivo
    4 Golden Age Julio 20, 1921, p.634-636 Mrs. W. R. Burzacott Negativo
    5 Golden Age September 14, 1921, p. 754 H.A. Rutschour, D.C. Negativo
    6 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.8 A.M. Wilton, M.D. Negativo
    7 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.9 “Doctor” Positivo
    8 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.9-10 A.M. Wilton, M.D. Negativo
    9 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.10-12 L.W. Putman, M.D. Positivo
    10 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.13-14 J.J. Wentzel Negativo
    11 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.14 W.M. Pugh Negativo
    12 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.15-16 Mrs. Mary E. Burnet Positivo
    13 Golden Age October 12, 1921, p.16-17 A. Murray, M.D. Positivo
    14 Golden Age October 12, 1921 p.17 Mrs. R. Walter Maygrove Negativo
    15 Golden Age January 18, 1922, p.247 W.A. Lawrence Negativo
    16 Golden Age February 15, 1922 p.314 G. Del Pino Positivo
    17 Golden Age March 15, 1922, p.378 Mrs. Andrew J. Holmes Negativo
    18 Golden Age April 12, 1922, p.428 "A Subscriber" Negativo
    19 Golden Age August 30, 1922, p.760 A. P. Richmond Negativo
    20 Golden Age October 11, 1922, p.19 J.W. Gilbert, V.L.D. Negativo
    21 Golden Age January 3, 1923, p.211-214 Mrs. Andrew J. Holmes Negativo
    22 Golden Age January 17, 1923, p.240-244 Walter H. Hadwen, M.D. Negativo
    23 Golden Age January 17, 1923, p.244-245 Walter F. Moser Negativo
    24 Golden Age April 11, 1923, p.421 General Negativo
    25 Golden Age November 7, 1923, p.80 General Negativo
    26 Golden Age November 7, 1923, p.87 F.R. Freer Negativo
    27 Golden Age July 30, 1924 p.687 Isaac L. Peebles, M.D. Negativo
    28 Golden Age October 8, 1924, p.17 General Negativo
    29 Golden Age October 8, 1924 p.18 Geo F. Herde Negativo
    30 Golden Age October 8, 1924 p.19 London Daily News Negativo
    31 Golden Age January 28, 1925, p.260, 261 General Negativo
    32 Golden Age January 28, 1925, p.266 Doctors H.M. Shelton and B. Stanford Claunch Negativo
    33 Golden Age March 11, 1925, p.373 F.P. Millard, D.O. Negativo
    34 Golden Age April 8, 1925, p.424 General Negativo
    35 Golden Age April 22, 1925, p.451-455 Dr. R. A. Gamble Positivo (Confiamos en el Dr…. Electronic Radio Biola)
    36 Golden Age May 6, 1925, p. 492 "A Bible Student" Negativo
    37 Golden Age July 25, 1925, p.683 General Negativo
    38 Golden Age December 16, 1925, p. 174 General Negativo
    39 Golden Age March 24, 1926, p.397 General Negativo
    40 Golden Age May 5, 1926, p.500-501 Isaac L. Peebles, M.D. Negativo (Y lo ligaron a cuestiones Bíblicas)
    41 Golden Age August 25, 1926, p.749-754 F.L. Wilson Negativo
    42 Golden Age September 8, 1926, p.792-796 G.R. Clements Negativo (trató de ligar a la Biblia también)
    43 Golden Age October 6, 1926, p.17 General Negativo
    44 Golden Age October 20, 1926 p.41 General Ambiguo
    45 Golden Age May 18, 1927, p.529 General Negativo
    46 Golden Age August 10, 1927, p.712 General Negativo
    47 Golden Age August 24, 1927, p.749-750 General (“Contribuído) Negativo
    48 Golden Age January 11, 1928, p.237 General Negativo (y con dibujos/fotografías)
    49 Golden Age April 4, 1928, p.425 General Negativo
    50 Golden Age May 2, 1928, p.484 General Negativo
    51 Golden Age May 2, 1928, p.494 General Negativo
    52 Golden Age July 25, 1928, p. 695 G.W. Emery Negativo
    53 Golden Age October 31, 1928, p. 73 General Negativo
    54 Golden Age November 28, 1928, p.147 Dr. B.H. Jones Negativo
    55 Golden Age January 23, 1929, p.260 General Negativo
    56 Golden Age February 6, 1929 p.301 General Negativo
    57 Golden Age April 3, 1929, p. 430, 431 General / Reprinted – Dr. George R. Clements Negativo
    58 Golden Age April 17, 1929, p.467-468 Herbert M. Shelton Negativo
    59 Golden Age May 1, 1929, p. 502-503 General / Reprinted – Dr. H. R. Rickards Negativo
    60 Golden Age July 24, 1929 p. 691-692 General / Reprinted – Dr. George R. Clements Negativo
    61 Golden Age July 24, 1929, p. 692 General *(First article explicitly stating it was THEIR view) Negativo
    62 Golden Age October 16, 1929, p.47-48 General / Reprinted – Dr. George R. Clements Negativo
    63 Golden Age October 16, 1929, p.48 Tenison Diane, M.D. (Editor agrees) Negativo
    64 Golden Age January 8. 1930, p.240-242 F.R. Freer (England) Negativo
    65 Golden Age February 5, 1930, p.299 General Negativo
    66 Golden Age February 19, 1930, p.341 General Negativo
    67 Golden Age April 2, 1930, p. 427-429 General Negativo
    68 Golden Age April 2, 1930, p. 439-440 Frank W. Rogers (New Jersey) Negativo
    69 Golden Age July 9, 1930, p.653 General Negativo
    70 Golden Age July 23, 1930, p.688 General / Wilbur J. Murphy, M.D. Negativo
    71 Golden Age August 6, 1930 p.707-713 General Negativo
    72 Golden Age September 17, 1930, p. 814 General Negativo
    73 Golden Age November 12, 1930 p.119 General Negativo
    74 Golden Age November 26, 1930 p.150 General Negativo
    75 Golden Age January 21, 1931, p.270 Dr. P. L. Clark (Illinois) Negativo
    76 Golden Age February 4, 1931 p.291-293 General *(This article made it wrong for Christians) Negativo
    77 Golden Age February 4, 1931 p.293-295 Charles A. Patillo, VA Negativo
    78 Golden Age February 4, 1931 p.295-300 H. Sillaway (Tennessee) Negativo
    79 Golden Age February 18, 1931 p.328 General Negativo
    80 Golden Age April 1, 1931, p.436 General Negativo
    81 Golden Age June 10, 1931, p.587 General Negativo
    82 Golden Age July 8, 1931 p.651 General Negativo
    83 Golden Age July 22 1931, p.693-694 Dr. P.L. Clark Negativo
    84 Golden Age August 19, 1931, p.749 General Negativo
    85 Golden Age August 19, 1931, p.754-755 General / Reprinted from The Quest Negativo
    86 Golden Age December 9, 1931, p.147-148 Louis S. Sigfried * (Real vaccination disaster) Negativo
    87 Golden Age February 3, 1932, p.273 General Negativo
    88 Golden Age March 16, 1932, p.374 General Negativo
    89 Golden Age March 16, 1932, p.375 General Negativo
    90 Golden Age March 30, 1932, p. 407 Emmanuel M. Josephson, M.D. Negativo
    91 Golden Age March 30, 1932, p. 408 General Negativo
    92 Golden Age March 30, 1932, p. 408 Martin Friedrich, M.D. Negativo
    93 Golden Age March 30, 1932, p.409 General / William C. Ostander (Famous drawing) Negativo
    94 Golden Age March 30, 1932, p.410 General Negativo
    95 Golden Age June 22, 1932, p.601-602 Albert W. Peacock Negativo
    96 Golden Age March 15, 1933, p.370 General / R.W. Lamson, Ph.D. Negativo
    97 Golden Age April 12, 1933, p.440 General Negativo
    98 Golden Age November 8, 1933, p.90 General Negativo
    99 Golden Age November 22, 1933 p.122 General Negativo
    100 Golden Age December 20, 1933, p.178-179 General Negativo
    101 Golden Age January 17, 1934, p.242 General Negativo (Positivo para las transfusiones)!
    102 Golden Age March 14, 1934, p.372 General Negativo
    103 Golden Age June 6, 1934, p.568 General Negativo
    104 Golden Age August 1, 1934, p. 692 General Negativo
    105 Golden Age August 29, 1934, p.766 General Negativo
    106 Golden Age October 10, 1934, p.31 General Negativo
    107 Golden Age January 30, 1935, p.269 General Negativo
    108 Golden Age March 27, 1935, p.409 General Negativo
    109 Golden Age May 8, 1935, p.493-494 General Negativo
    110 Golden Age May 8, 1935, p.505 General Negativo
    111 Golden Age July 3, 1935, p.634 General Negativo
    112 Golden Age September 11, 1935, p.792 General Negativo
    113 Golden Age September 11, 1935, p.793-796 Dr. Chas T. Bes (Ohio) Negativo
    114 Golden Age November 20, 1935, p.115 General Negativo (Menciona Siervo de Jehova)
    115 Golden Age December 4, 1935, p.141-142 General Negativo
    116 Golden Age January 15, 1936, p.229 General Negativo (Vacunas para la rabia en perros)
    117 Golden Age January 15, 1936, p.232-234 Mrs. F. E.H. Negativo (Carta)
    118 Golden Age January 15, 1936, p.235 General Negativo
    119 Golden Age February 12, p.294 Nathaniel Anderson, Open Door / General Negativo
    120 Golden Age May 20, 1936, p.543 General Negativo
    121 Golden Age September 9, 1936, p.784 General Negativo
    122 Golden Age September 23, 1936, p.813-814 General Negativo (Pasteur the fake!)
    123 Golden Age May 5, 1937 p. 507 General Negativo
    124 Golden Age June 16, 1937, p.601-602 O.R. Moyle Negativo (SMOKING GUN! The Golden Age denies the benefits of vaccinations)
    125 Golden Age July 28, 1937, p.697 General Negativo
    126 --------- N/A From September 1937 to February 1938 NA NA
    127 Consolation February 9, 1938 p.12 General Negativo (Insultan a Brasil)
    128 Consolation April 20, 1938, p.26 General Negativo
    129 Consolation May 4, 1938, p.18 General Negativo
    130 Consolation June 1, 1938, p.21 General Negativo
    131 Consolation November 16, 1938, p.9 General Negativo
    132 Consolation April 19, 1939, p.4 General Negativo (*Nada cientifico de la prevencion de la Rabia)
    133 Consolation May 31, 1939, p.3-10 General Negativo (Tiene fotos, extremadamente extenso articulo), no tiene textos Biblicos….
    134 Consolation April 3, 1940, p.27 * Not about Vaccination but Aluminum May explain reduction in articles about vaccinations.
    135 Consolation December 25, 1940, p.19 *Not about vaccination but Blood Transfusions Positive towards BT
    136 Consolation January 7, 1942 p.2 General Negativo (Defilement of blood)
    137 Consolation January 21, 1942 p.14-15 General Negativo (Serum killed him)
    138 Consolation June 24, 1942, p.21 General Negativo
    139 Consolation July 22, 1942, p.12 General Negativo (No evidence that vaccination has reduced smallpox)
    140 Consolation March 27, 1946 p.18-22 General Negativo
    141 Awake February 22, 1947, p.12 General Negativo
    142 Awake May 22, 1947, p.15 General Negativo
    143 Awake June 8, 1947 p.19 General Negativo
    144 Awake June 22, 1947 p.6 General Negativo (vaccination is a hoax)
    145 Awake January 8, 1948, p.22 General Negativo
    146 Awake 08-Jul-50 General Neutral / Ambiguo
    147 Awake 08-Sep-50 General Neutral
    148 Awake July 22, 1951, p.31 General Negativo
    149 Awake 22-Nov-51 General Negativo (serums are poison)
    150 Awake January 22, 1952, p.19 General Ambiguo *Importante porque dice que está bien que la corte imponga vacunas, pero no está bien que la corte imponga transfusiones.
    151 Awake 08-May-52 General Ambiguo (La vacuna mató a niños en 1935)
    152 Awake 22-Nov-52 General Positivo!!
    153 Watchtower December 15, 1952, p.764 General De negativo a positivo!!
    154 Awake January 8, 1954, p.24 General Gamma Globulin is wrong – vaccine is OK, but not available now.
    155 Awake June 8, 1954, p.30-31 General Positivo
    156 Awake June 22, 1954, p.8 General Positivo (Vacunacion de niños por la UNICEF mostrado como un “achievement”)
    157 Awake July 22, 1954, p.15 General Positivo (Vacuna contra la rabia es bueno)….
  • ILoveTTATT

    Do you want to see the pictures of the quotes? Is there a way to share an entire album here???

  • Daniel1555

    Great Work

    How did you get to read all those old articles?

    Did you find a quote where medicine or medical treatment is spoken bad of?

  • ILoveTTATT

    I found the literature at archive.org

    I found dozens of places where medicine and many medical practices are spoken bad of.

  • trujw


  • runForever

    wow had no idea how many references to not taking vaccines there were.

  • ILoveTTATT

    It's quite an interesting story. I will try to write it up and post it soon... It might even change (slightly) some of the articles that exJW's have written on JW's and vaccination. It will be very thorough, so it will be long...

  • jgnat

    No evidence that vaccination has reduced smallpox! (1942) LOL.

    "2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the eradication of smallpox. Smallpox was officially declared eradicated in 1980 and is the first disease to have been fought on a global scale."


    We "know" that only Satan could be behind such a secular, global, cooperative effort. LOL.

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