How fear tactics bring people into the organisation..
by Dis-Member 2 Replies latest social humour
This is Great!
I'm reading this in FIreFox and havent installed the plug ins to watch the vid, but I"ll swtich over to IE9 later, but just from what you say about telling folks the world is about to end makes sense. Another big move to bring in folks, and my mother (and all the others Dubs I'm sure) used to use the line of after someone loss a loved one, Wouldn'nt you want to see your loved one again? THe Borg used to publish a tract called Hope for the Dead. I can hear my mother using that line now .. so pathetic taking advantage of people in a vulnerable state, and my mom should've known better because she lost her mother when she was just a kid
There was a major fire in NYC in mid 60's where 12 firefighters loss their lives, my mother wrote to each widow and of course she enclosed the tract (I remember she got a few responses from the family.
Also the family where the husband was pushed off the ocean liner, the Klinghoffer's, she wrote to his wife and two daughters and I remember one of them sent her a hand written letter back.
She did the same thing getting her time in with the astronauts that lost their lives on the explosion on the spaceship, the one where that teacher got all the spotlight.
All for the alimight timesheet !!!