Wait on Jehovah!

by jerome 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jerome

    I have just been thinking about the "Wait on Jehovah doctrine" for a while because of the Silentlambs fiasco and a thread started by You Know.

    I think that the JWs have a certain amount of lead way when it comes to this teaching, i.e this wait on Jehovah doctrine is not all bad because the Bible teaches that you to trust in God and to have faith, which is totally understandable.
    The Bible further teaches that 'faith can move a mountain' but I dont think that this verse should be necessarily taken too literally because I dont know of anyone who has moved a mountain simply by faith alone. But thats just me mabe some of you have move literal mountains simply by faith.
    I think that scripture mostlikely refers to the problems in life that you have little controll of like can put food on the table, dont have a place to sleep and you just cant see a way out of your troubles so you put them in the hands of God and have faith that the lord will bring you through to see a brighter day.

    [Thanx mulan]

    But when it comes to the JWs application of this doctrine of:
    "Have faith, Wait on Jehovah" it seems as though the JWs are really stretching their particular literal intrepatation of shuch verses too far especially when peoples well being and even lives at stake.

    Firstly, When it comes to the state of world affairs the JWs are quick to say hat we "Are no part of this world" therefore we cant do anything to help you so we'll leave it to the lord God who will soon anialhate the wicked (everybody not a JW) and then peace everlasting shall reign on earth forever.(Only for JWs) You Know got me thinking about this whit all his talk about Armageddon.

    The second aspect was doctrinal issues that need to be corrected such as that which allows pedophiles to be protected. This has harmed way too many innocent children in two ways. 1) They are exposed to known pedophiles in the first place. 2) They when they try to get help they are called liars and shown litle sympthy. It is a really brutal thing to be rejected in your time of need the psychological damage inflicted is beyond measure but all to often it happens in the JW cult.
    Jws who happen to be aware of this probally rationalize it by stating that good things come to those who wait. So sooner or later Jehovah will fix everything.

    But what will happen in the meantime?- WHile children continue to be abused.

    What will happen to the children that are being hurt RIGHT NOW?

    Who will help and protect them RIGHT NOW?

    How will DO something?

    Anybody that tries to rectify their position within that Organisation can easily justify their position by saying:
    "The Lord helps those that help themselves!"

    Therefore why is allowed to continue simply to maintain an Organisational image.

    If the particular literal interpretation that the JWs use is correct then, everyone would have to stand there and watch any injustice that occurs with in Gods Organisation(tm) no matter how big or small once too many people dont know about it and the image of the congregation is maintained.

    How can this continue happen?

    Would love to hear any oppinions that you the posters of JW.com have on this matter.


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.

  • Matty

    Wait on Jehovah! That phrase is keeping so many dissatisfied ones in! Basically it presumes that the JW religion is expressly God's own organisation, and that any problems that you will encounter will be solved providing you are patient.
    "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld". Those words give people hope, because they presume that everything will be sorted out eventually! If you are impatient, you "Lack faith".
    That corrupt elder stays an elder - but he will be sorted out one day. That person was wrongly disfellowshipped - but the truth will come out one day, and they will have to apologise to him/her. That sister was beaten up by her husband - that allegedly "lovely" brother who has all those "privileges", but there were no witnesses, and she wasn't believed - he'll get his comeuppance one day. That child was sexually abused, but it was covered up - the people who turned a blind eye will be reprimanded one day... One day. You see, Jehovah is watching - it's his organisation!
    Jehovah - if you are watching and it truly is your organisation. Sort it out NOW. Get rid of these corrupt people. Get innocent people pardoned. Get incompetent elders sacked.

  • TheOldHippie

    So correctly. Me and my family have been harrassed for a couple of years, it has been stopped by the Society, but then the locals have started again etc. I did not want it to happen any more, so I stepped down, as one is then free from a range of obligations and can more freely speak one's mind. A letter from a friend told me, that if what had happened to us was true, then it was very bad indeed, but we had to wait on jehovah, for Him to settle it in His due time.
    Many things would have been much better, if we had not waited, but acted ourselves according to our conscience and training and knowledge, and had shown that this and that is true and is correct based on the Bible, and therefore you offenders have to be wrong. Or at the least, the thing can be viewed from two sides, and therefore no 100 % statements can be made.
    Where the BIG problem about the Waiting lies, in my eyes is on the theological doctrines. Because the ones we have to wait for, are the spokesmen of God, the Governing Body, and they are the ones who came up with the doctrine questioned in the first place. So the Body delivers a doctrine - it is questioned - we have to wait - upon what? upon the same Body who delivered the doctrine at first. We have to wait on them revising their own doctrine. And we know how difficult it is for mortal man to say that yes! I made a mistake - I am so sorry.
    Waiting stirs inactivity. Christianity implies active followers, like the Beroean ones. The Governing Body should have confidence in the sheep, in their ability to read and study and if need be change errors and constantly strive for Truth, and not distrust anything not stemming from themselves.
    OK, unstructured lines an early morning .........

  • jerome

    When you were a witness diden0t anything in your mind click and say that something is wrong here?

    The more I find out about the JW teachings I really find it hard to put myself in your shoes.

    There is somuch that just dosent make sense.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello TheOld Hippie,

    I do agree with you:

    " the Waiting lies, in my eyes is on the theological doctrines. Because the ones we have to wait for, are the spokesmen of God, the Governing Body, and they are the ones who came up with the doctrine questioned in the first place. So the Body delivers a doctrine - it is questioned - we have to wait - upon what? upon the same Body who delivered the doctrine at first. We have to wait on them revising their own doctrine. And we know how difficult it is for mortal man to say that yes! I made a mistake - I am so sorry."

    Very true indeed.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • crawdad2

    hi machis,

    why would you want to wait on false prophets? matt 24;24.....deut 18:20

    do you like listening to them while they pretend to be god's channel?
    what makes you think they are god's channel?.......because they boldly claim to be?........haha, false prophets are always haughty and boast alot.

    some of the really haughty ones start organizations........then they claim that's evidence that they are god's channel.........all the while nothing they ever said stands the test of time........so they keep modifying it to avoid having to admit they are lost.

    hmmmm......the blind leading the blind......naaa.......more like snakes.......ya.....the pharisee kind.

  • BoozeRunner

    Heres my take on the subject, from a thread I posted a few days ago.



  • Pathofthorns

    The "wait on Jehovah" thing seems reasonable when matters are beyond human control, but is often used to excuse or justify inactivity on the part of men in positions of authority.

    More correctly the term should be "wait on arrogent men who are too proud to do anything about a problem right now". These people should get off their butts and do what needs to be done instead of blaming God for their own refusal to address what needs to be done.


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