The word for word Greek/English verses of Matthew 27:52-53, 1969 Purple People Eater KIT and Blue 1985 KIT, read the same: "and the memorial tombs were opened and many bodies of the having fallen asleep holy (ones) were raised up, and [they] having gone forth out of the memorial tombs after the being raised up of him they entered into the holy city and they were made apparent."
The NWT rendering of the same verses is also the same in both editions. Since the Watchtower teaches that nobody was resurrected that day, they change verse 53 to read: "(and persons, coming out from among the meorial tombs after his being raised up, entered into the holy city,) and they became visible to many people."
Not sure if the Watchtower still teaches this, but back in 1984 when I left the JWs, they believed that the earthquake mentioned in Matthew 27:51 caused dead bodies in the tombs to be scattered and that it was live persons visiting the tombs that went to the city and told what happened. But a literal interpretation of the verses seems to indicate that the holy ones were raised up and that they went into the city and were seen by many persons.