were out. whoot whoot. whole family i da'd last summer now my daughter. it is such a huge relief. so were dumping all the literature. bonfire anyone?
old literature
by lildev 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Ebay. Make some money. Some 'apostates' collect this stuff as evidence against the cult.
Sell 'em, have a party on the proceeds.
yea i was kinda thinking bout ones that might use it to pick it apart. thanks for the thought. my daughter said take it to goodwill. heck no. i dont want some poor soul reading this an ruining there life.
Newly Enlightened
If anyone has any old literature they want to get rid of, we're always looking for some....Now, we're looking for WT 2010 WT bound volume WT 2012 Bound volume, 2010 Awake bound volume.
Newly Enlightened
Punk: Nice to have you back.
I sold a brand new Organization book on Ebay for $15....might as well get something back from those Pharisees....
I'll take anything you got!! PM me please!
A few years ago, when I learned TTATT, the bound volumes got moved into the garage. My child, (who loves old books), is attending meetings with my ex. As I find contradictory paragraphs and articles, I draw attention to the damming passages with a post-it and highlighter. *IF* my child choses to walk in the way of JW's, my gift for his decision will be all the old 'collectable' literature. :)