This brochure is targeted at African people seeing that every photograph has African people in it
One night while Iwas
asleep in bedwithmy husband,
I heard a voice call
my namethree times. Then
I sawthe ceiling split apart,
and a fiery, ball-like object
dropped ontomy stomach.
Of course,my husband
could see none of these
things. Nevertheless, I felt a
terrible heat that lasted for
Sixmonths later, the voice
calledme again. Immediately,
the whole house seemed
to be in deepwater. A large
python cameout of thewater and crawled
aroundmy hand. I tried invain to shake it off.
Iwas terrified. Then thewater and the snake
vanished, and Iwas violently thrownto the
ground. Iwas unconscious for several hours.
The voice then toldmeto return to a spiritistic
healing temple in the village.When I asked the
spirit his name, he gave a namemeaning “possessor
ofwealth but no child.”He promised to
makemerich through healing powers.
Sick people came tomefromnear and far.
Before arriving atmy house, theywould appear
inmy specialmirror. Then, as one arrived,
Iwould slapmy palm against his palm, and
the nature of his sickness or problem
alongwith the remedywould immediately
be revealed to me. The spirit
also toldmehowmuch
money people had to pay.
Money and giftswere
pouring inbecauseof the
effectiveness of the cures.
I became a “possessor of
wealth,” but I also learned
themeaning of “no child.”
Each time I bore a child,
his immediate seniorwould
die. Thiswas very distressing.
During the 12 years
that I served this spirit, six
ofmy children died.
I began to pray toGod
for help. I prayed fervently.
One day Jehovah’sWitnesses
knocked atmy door. Although I usually
chased themaway, that day I decided to listen.
In the discussions that followed, I learned that
Iwas servingademon!Imadeupmymind to
quit spiritism.
When I told that to the spirit, hewarnedme
againstmy decision.However, I said: “Iamfinishedwithyou.”
I burned all the things I used in divining.
I studied the Biblewith theWitnesses, became
a servant of Jehovah, andwas baptized in
1973.NowI have five healthy children.My
husband also becamea baptizedWitness.
—As told by Josephine Ikezu.
Box: How did one woman break free from the