The ‘new light’ from 2012 summarized on
Who Are the “Domestics”?
Jesus said that “his domestics” would receive “food at the proper time.”All genuine followers of Jesus are fed by “the faithful and discreet slave.” Therefore, all of Christ’s disciples—both individual anointed Christians and members of the “other sheep”—are “his domestics.”—John 10:16.
After the speaker explained this aspect of Jesus’ prophecy, the audience erupted in sustained applause. Several in attendance later expressed their profound gratitude that Jesus considers them among “his domestics.”
So both the anointed and non-anointed are altogether “domestics” getting fed together. That must surely mean both groups together are “members of the household of God” at Eph 2:18,19
“...because through him we, both peoples, have free access to the Father by one spirit. 19 So you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens of the holy ones and are members of the household of God,”
Members of the ‘other sheep’, ie, the non-anointed earthly class (as JW’s interpret it), must surely be “fellow citizens” of the holy ones and “members of the household of God.” Both groups comprise the “domestics” being fed together of the same spiritual food and both groups have “free access to the Father by one spirit” do they not?
Yet the Watchtower Society still teaches that only anointed Christians are “members of the household of God”.
How is it possible that the “other sheep” are now counted as “domestics” with both groups being spiritually fed together, but the other sheep are not also “members of the household of God.”? That’s ridiculous.
Possible new light coming as follows?:
Since all JW’s are “domestics” it follows they are all “members of the household of God” and fellow citizens with "free access to the Father by the one spirit”.
Therefore, all Jehovah's Witnesses, whether of the “other sheep” or “anointed class,” are all together in the “new covenant” (as members of God’s household) – but ONLY anointed Christians are in the “covenant for a Kingdom” (for rulership).
Thus, all JW’s, whether of the anointed or earthly class, can partake of the emblems at the memorial.