Is "144,000" literal or symbolic?

by Doug Mason 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Is “144,000” literal or symbolic? – Rev. 7:4

    Is the wind that is being held back literal or symbolic? – Rev. 7:1-3

    Is “Israel” literal, or symbolic? – Rev. 7: 4

    Are the “twelve tribes” literal or symbolic? – Rev. 7: 5-8

    Is “144,000” literal or symbolic? – Rev. 14:1, 3

    Is the “writing on their heads” literal or symbolic? – Rev. 14:1

    These are men, and they have not been “defiled with women”. Is this literal or symbolic? – Rev. 14:4

    They are “male virgins” – is this literal or symbolic? – Rev. 14:4

    They follow the Lamb everywhere. Is this literal or symbolic? – Rev. 14:4

    Of the 144,000 male virgin Israelites who follow the Lamb everywhere, it is said that “no deceit was found in their mouths; they are without blemish”. (Rev. 14:5). Who of the FDS Class is able to stand up and say that?

    Who is prepared to build their belief system on these few verses of Revelation?



    'No deceit was found in their mouths, they are without blemish'. And without TIGHT PANTS, according to Anthony Morris the Turd.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The WTS has helds on to the 144,000 being a literal number for too long now, even though it is totally unreasonable.

    It's like 607 BCE, completely wrong but would be too embarrassing to change now.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Several choices come to mind: A quantum state of both at the same time?

    I prefer the much simpler answer: It's all bollocks.

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