Advise I went on a 2nd date today

by joe134cd 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • joe134cd

    Just after a bit of advise. After I started fading about 8 months ago, I decided to join a dating web site. Ok I meet a lady, who I have dated twice. Nice and pleasant and although we are on the same mental wave length, I do have a number of concerns. They are as follows:

    She has a child, and I don't.

    Her last partner she filed assault charges against for hitting her son.

    She is from a developing country, and is living here in a 1st world country, and dosnt have residency.

    But Here is a comment that she made that really took me back and made me wonder where I am at in this stage of my life. Although not naming the religion I told her about the situation I was in. I always liked to be up front so if things develop a bit more and when she wonders why my relatives don't want to meet her, or why I am having to tread carefully (I'm not DFed, and would choose not to be), she can sort of understand, although I said she probably has no idea. But here was the thing that really struck me, when she said " I don't think that you have fully moved on from this, and although you are probably not going to say this openly I do believe that some part of you is still holding onto this. I also think that that there is a very strong possibility that you will eventually return to it". Sort of took me back a bit that comment, and it scared me.

    Like I said above. This is only the 2nd date so it's early days. But it just made me wonder.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Well she could be right, unless you have done the research and proven to yourself that it is utter bollocks then there is always the possibility you could return, especially if your life nosedives somehow and you need the warm and fuzzies again.

    That she said this shows a depth of thought and perception worth pursuing, the rest is up to you and all the obvious advice would be to take it slow.

  • jwfacts

    I have step children, and have not had any more trouble than if they were my own. They have been quite a delight in my life, and usually easier to get along with than my wife. I do not agree with hitting children, which in my opinion is assault, and even moreso with step children, and she was in her right to press charges.

    Her comment about you were perceptive, quite impressive. After 8 months you cannot have moved on. It takes years. Hopefully she is not correct about you returning though.

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