Help - Trip this Weekend

by dobby 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobby

    My husband and I are visiting really good JW friends this weekend.

    A little less than a year ago we moved to another state and have since become inactive and have decided that by end of this year we will probably be completely out, no matter the consequences.

    We are not afraid of DFing, but I am just not sure how to broach or not broach the subject of our transformation with these friends. I really like them, when we had trouble a few years back with elders and were "marked" they were the only ones who stood by us.

    I think they are going to be really shocked. I mean, we plan to go to an amusement park on Saturday, but the husband may meet us there after he goes out in service (just makes you want to shake your head)

    Any suggestions?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    '....really good friends?'..... Why not allow them to bring up the subject and speak from the heart.

    Here's an interesting quote that I gleaned from a postee, " We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel....There should be liberty of conscience." Wt. April 1, 1920 p. 100, 101

    Enjoy your friendship.

    Guest 77

  • anewperson

    Ask them if they don't agree it's terrible when groups cover up child molestation and have secret ties to the United Nations. Then say nothing at all but wait until the Silent Lambs coverup hits Dateline and call them. Or tell them then and there what you've learned and that articles in New York and London newspapers back every word of it. If you can, add that your own friendship or love is not conditionally tied like a string to an organization but is open to them even if they decide to go along with shunning of you.

  • JeffT

    It can get unpleasant.

    As we were in the exit process some friends from an old congregation came to visit. We talked a bit about our concerns, but I thought it was a generally OK conversation.

    A couple of weeks later, at the district convention the elder that had married us, also from the same cong. told me that he had heard we were "speaking against the organizaion." If I'd been a little farther down the exit road I might have said something pointed to him. But I wasn't at that point yet, although wife and I were braced to hear from a JC.

    I hope you can have a good visit with your friends, perhaps you can open their eyes to some of the problems.

    Have there been any hints that they might really have doubts of their own?

  • out4good3

    That's not surprising since questioning the borg in any way constitutes speaking against them and causing divisions. Show your submission by shutting your mouth, shutting down common sense and doing what you are told as directed by the GB and FDS.

    I was once in a conversation about the "generation" change. I was shocked to the realization that most of the R\F had no idea that a change had occured. They were still locked into the old interpretation as it were and wanted to argue tooth and nail about it.

  • dobby

    Jeff - Yes some doubts. That's why I think things could be positive. However, I can see what would happen if we just laid it out for them - probably scare them into "telling on us".

    Oh well, I think I just am not a confrontational person. But I am not trying to save this friendship on WTS terms. I like what anewperson said about telling them our friendship is unconditional and leaving the rest up to them.

    Just gonna have to bite the bullet and deal with any ugliness. Hopefully we won't have to spring for a hotel. :)

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