Thank God for You Know

by joelbear 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    He is here to remind us of how easily we could be led into putting off our lives and waiting and waiting and waiting for THE END, instead of living a good happy satisfying life now.

    Each of us could make a list of the regrets we have because of putting things off until after THE END.

    So, thankfully we have You Know here to remind us that we are living the real life now.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You said it brother.... What a fine example of how not to be, unless you want to miss out on living. It must be a real drain to be constantly YOKED to fear and dread.

  • JeffT

    I agree Joel. I think he's an idiot, but I usually hold my nose and try to read the first couple of paragraphs just to remind myself of how glad I am to be out of that nonsense. I can't usually make my way through all of his posts. He's just to long winded.

  • ThiChi

    Some of the most interesting debates have started with a You Know Post. Since most of us at one time or another would have agreed with YK’s current viewpoints because of our affiliation with the Jws, or, at least the End Time concerns (which some of us still hold to, even now), I respect his effort to present his “side” of a matter. And, I can also go so far as to state that some of the points he delivers have given me, at times, pause to explore my current viewpoints. Keep posting YK!

  • rmayer32

    Good point


  • ballistic

    I remember when I first came here, I actually thought he had been planted here either as a joke or to show people what the witnesses are really like. I feel he's still doing the same brilliant job of encouraging lurkers to leave the organisation.

  • joelbear

    I agree that You Know represents Watchtower endtime thought well.

    I think he also demonstrates the way most Jehovah's Witnesses really feel about non and ex Witnesses. They feel they are superior. Most don't show this in their real lives, but YK can show it freely here and he really gets off on it.


  • trevor

    When I was a JW - waiting for the end to come - we had a different expresion. We were waiting for the Big Crunch! Sound like a new chocolate bar about to be launched by Cadbury.

  • TR

    Well, I guess that stinking pile needs to be on the floor for all to learn from.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Imbue

    Well, what do "You Know" he's been a Witness after all...hehehe

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis

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