Identifying the Abusive System

by DanTheMan 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    This is taken from Chapter 5 of the Book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse :

    "The first characteristic of an abusive religious system is what we call power-posturing. Power-posturing simply means that leaders spend a lot of time focused on their own authority and reminding others of it, as well. This is necessary because their spiritual authority isn't real - based on godly character - it is postured.

    ...The fact that they are eager to place people under them - under their word, under their "authority" - is one easy-to-spot clue that they are operating in their own authority."

    Sounds like the faithless and indiscreet slave, eh?

    "Now, in view of present labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They say that they do not see how present conditions can hold out so long under the strain..." Zion's Watchtower , July 15, 1894

  • Satanus

    Sounds like the bible.


  • the follower
    the follower

    i think that followers like to be told what to do by others who like to tell what to do and that this is a mighty fine idea for all and any who who want to be in line to get what the others say they will get if they do what they say they should do to the the others who like to hear what it is that they should be doing from the ones doing the telling about to the ones who are listening to the those who to them that say that their voice should be adhered to by followers who follow to the bitter end of a very long sentence

  • rmayer32

    I'd agree that fits the WTS perfectly.


  • AjaxMan

    I agree. It does fit the WitchTower Babble and Trash Society to a Tee. It also fits every single friggin' religious cult (Moonies, Mormons, WorlWide Church of God, The Way International just to mention a few). Boils down to that hypocritical attitude of Do as I say, Not as I do from the Catholic Church that they adamantly oppose and criticize.

  • DanTheMan
    WitchTower Babble and Trash Society

    I laughed out loud

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