Fighters Against Children

by silentlambs 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    I came across this old post from h2o and thought you might find it interesting. How far we have come to be at the point we are.


    Fighters against children will not prevail

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    Posted by [silentlambs] on January 05, 2001 at 16:20:31 {fjt1497aTcr.Eq9dlGNYKXdsQHCKmU}:

    I have heard comments from time to time in the last couple of days that suggest I may not know what I am really getting into, that I may be biting off more than I can chew, that is it possible to take on the wt and survive?

    You maybe forgetting a simple truth, I was raised as a JW all my life. I remember as a six year old standing in a classroom with 40 other children and being the only one to not salute the flag. They tried to make me by pushing on my arm and giving me dirty looks, but I believed I was right as I was taught. Standing for what is right has been ingrained into witnesses from the time they were born. Us against them, we take on Satan's world because we have god backing us. It is all part of wt programming and in this case it appears to work to their disadvantage. I do not fear what they say or do, as what I am doing is right. a witness will die for a belief they believe to be right. To bad for you wt, I am the monster you created. Take my house, car, anything you want, as a witness it means nothing to me anyway. I am the most dangerous threat to the wt organization, a programmed witness who is fighting for a righteous cause. It will not go away and whatever you do to me will just make things worse for wt. wt please defend yourself, try to df me and silence the messenger. If you do you prove that you have been overcome by Satan and just like in the times of Israel you will be punished for your faithless conduct. Remember the recent bible reading of Jehu? He was just one man who was right and as a result killed about everyone in charge of god's organization at that time. A good part of it was over the sacrifice of children. How far is that from what wt policy allows today, when small ones are ruined for life due to the insidious conduct of those protected within wt policy.

    Am I afraid? I am to mad to be afraid and willing to do whatever by whatever means necessary to shout from the treetops this must be changed. The silentlambs will speak, wt will be silenced and humiliated for their shameful conduct.

  • dungbeetle

    Those words are as true today as they were when you first typed them. Only now the one voice is a roar of many voices.

    Into the 'wild blue yonder' we go!!!!

  • zanex

    thats right...the most dangerous weapon that prob does exist is that of the ex jdub and the training that they recieved as a child turned against em...good post...I take pride in being one of those MANY voices...DEATH to the wtbts!


  • Siddhashunyata

    It was your spirit that inspired so many. If Christ returned tomorrow, the WTBTS would not recognize him.

  • Simon

    Whatever the outcome, you and the silentlambs have already won - you have stood up to the WTS and shown then to be a corporation intent on self-interests rather than a heavenly inspired heaven for the righteous.

    The higher they are the harder they fall.

  • rmayer32

    Let em have it with both barrels!! Somebody has to bring attention to this and I applaud you!


  • avengers
    I am the most dangerous threat to the wt organization, a programmed witness who is fighting for a righteous cause. It will not go away and whatever you do to me will just make things worse for wt. wt please defend yourself, try to df me and silence the messenger. If you do you prove that you have been overcome by Satan and just like in the times of Israel you will be punished for your faithless conduct.

    Now it's an army fighting for the righteous cause. Here and there a battle may be lost, but the war will be won.

    WT YOU should have cared for us when we were on your side.
    Now it's too late for YOU.

  • Amazing

    Hi S/L: I thought you might add in a couple of points regarding this issue and the recent letters sent out to call you and others to a JC meeting.

    1. There are a fourth JW and Elder was also went to Dateline and was interviewed. He was subsequently DF'd. Call me, and I will give the details of who I am referring to.

    2. The 2-15-02 BOE letter states that there are to be no sanctions against JWs who have reported molesters to the authorities. In principle, the Watchtower is violating its own published policy by issuing letters to you and others who have gone to the authorities, etc. You and your attorney may have a basis for a lawsuit against the Society if they DF you for doing what they said was okay to do.

    Just some thoughts.

  • worf


    I agree wholeheartedly with your words that here and there a battle may be lost but the war will be won.

    And I would just like to add:

    This latest tactic by the wts to df those who have openly spoke out in standing up for what is right, is nothing more than a desperate attempt to try and save their skins.

    It won't work. It will just make all of us fight even harder. To win we just have to be imaginative. Albert Einstein said that"Imagination is more important than knowledge".
    I know that this latest tactic has made me want to fight even harder and thats exactly what I'm going to do.

    The fact is that WE are fighting for what is RIGHT.
    The wts is fighting for what is wrong and thats why they will lose.

    The wts is the most evil entity on the face of this earth and is the biggest fraud/deception of the 19th 20th, and 21st centuries.
    Destroy the wts and the world will be a much better place.
    The wts MUST be exposed, taken down, and DESTROYED.

    I'm not saying I know exactly how it will eventually happen although I'm sure the pedophile situation among others will be some of the things that signal their death knell.

    But here is one thing that is for sure: The wts came into being as the result (not of God), but instead as the result of the THOUGHTS of some people.

    Their destruction will also come about as the result of the THINKING of people who are standing up for what is right.
    And one of the things it takes is : "imagination."

    worf (warrior class)

  • waiting

    Howdy Amazing,

    Thanks for putting your info on the board - gives us others something to think about too:

    1. There are a fourth JW and Elder was also went to Dateline and was interviewed. He was subsequently DF'd. Call me, and I will give the details of who I am referring to.

    Hard to believe, but there may be others who've been df'd for speaking publicly besides this man (not related to Dateline). Seems the WTBTS' cruelty to victims is becoming more obvious.

    2. The 2-15-02 BOE letter states that there are to be no sanctions against JWs who have reported molesters to the authorities. In principle, the Watchtower is violating its own published policy by issuing letters to you and others who have gone to the authorities, etc. You and your attorney may have a basis for a lawsuit against the Society if they DF you for doing what they said was okay to do.



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