Carmegeddon and The Chickens of the Apocalypse

by Valis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Valis' day:

    Flat tire before leaving work......replacement $44.00 and 1.5 hours wasted.

    Mother of kids calls just to let me know she's moving away AGAIN, for a new job and a free place to live in South Texas.

    Just when you think that paying your child support on time for 3 years, mending one's ways and spending more time w/kids, plus helping them pack up and move to a new place just a month ago, will pay off in the end...... What was I thinking? I'm about to cry or blow my fucking stack sky high! Sorry, had to vent. Can't give in the urge to break something or someone....


    District Overbeer

  • Joyzabel


  • MegaDude


    Can't live with them...can't live with them.


  • peaceloveharmony


    here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day bud

    love ya

  • Imbue


    Hope you work things out for you. It must be difficult when your trying so hard!

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • LDH

    Valis, try this.

    If you are in the court system, ask that the judge order her to stay put. (They CAN do this.)

    Child Support is NOT tax deductible, however (read this carefully)

    whatever you spend to visit your children can be deducted off the top of the child support you pay her.

    IE, you pay $500 per month. She moves two states away. You fly there once a month to visit your children at a cost of $400. Her net payment would be $100.

    Call the IRS 1-800-829-1040. They will send you the appropriate info.

    You may want to use this trump card--let me know if you need any help. Also PLH works enforcing CS rules so she may have some input for you here.



  • peaceloveharmony

    hey val, lisa's correct, i do work in child support and have worked with texas before. you've got my email and number, contact me if you need anything.



  • plmkrzy


    whoooo Lisa.
    You are a garden of neet info.
    I didn't even no that[8>]

    Love is one of life's mysteries, like lightning, it never strikes. For others, like lightning, it strikes several times. So wear a rubber crash helmet
  • Valis

    Thanks for your replies. I'm quite distressed over the entire thing and I really wish it hadn't come to any of this. Texas is a bit odd about getting involved w/your children's lives. They also want in on all your businees and your finances. Been there and done that and won't take that ride again. As well, the mother is super stressed about not finding a job after being laid off and I think any more would make it even more hard for my chickens. She has a job and a free home to live in there so in some sick and twisted way its good. We'll see how it works out and I'll let you know.


    District Overbeer

  • LDH
    whoooo Lisa.
    You are a garden of neet info

    My husband calls me "The Queen of Useless Trivia," LOL.


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