Has anyone ever received the magazine from the christian millenial fellowship? Was just wondering what others thought of it. I enjoyed reading it. Its called "the new creation". It sounds like a works oriented belief. I wonder if it is even a belief? There are no people in my area , or probably state, that follow this, that i have heard of. Where does one go for any type of fellowship with these people?
christian millenial fellowship
by musky 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Double Edge
Never heard of them. I typed in "christian millenial fellowship" in the Yahoo search engine, there are several links you can check out...one of them had an address in Ojai, California.
The Christian Millennial Fellowship, was originally the Italian Bible Students Association, and then Millennial Bible Students Church, in Hartford, Connecticut's Little Italy.
This group is currently associated with one of the earliest offshoots of the Watchtower Society, New Covenant Believers. They withdrew their support from the Society in 1928, and in 1940, they produced the "New Creation - a Herald of Christ's Kingdom" journal.
However a few years later, Gaetano Boccaccio, an elder in the class and driving force, began to be influenced by the writings of E.C. Henninges and M.L. Mcphail, two pilgrims who left the Society in 1909, due to some doctrinal disagreements. Henninges was branch overseer in the UK and then sent to Australia by Russell. He married Rose Ball, the "adopted" daughter of the Russell's.
The CMF eventually discarded most of Russell's writings as error and converted to "New Covenant Believers". Gaetano Boccaccio was it's leader since it's inception, having been with the Society since around 1917, he died in 1996. For over fifty years he led this group from Hartford, Connecticut.
Today the group is international, has been relocated to New Jersey and is headed by Elmer Weeks.
I knew personally Boccacio, as I was for a time a supporter of their work while still with the Witnesses. But the more I read of their literature, the less I disagreed, so I left. I did contribute a few articles to their journal and helped in some spanish translating before I left. I still get the journals.
I personally know Elmer Weeks, as he served for some 25 years in teh current congregation of Bible Students I meet with, he had a chnage of heart and took over the CMF after Boccaccio died.
They are a fragmented group, with a hodge podge of beliefs.
Thanks double edge for the link info
RR, Thanks much for the info you provided. Musky
I’m resurrecting a 13 year old thread because I stumbled upon it today in my research of JW history and the Bible Students Movement of Russell. There were many schisms that took place through the years and here is a chart I found.
While looking up the 1928 branch off of The Christian Millennial Fellowship I went to their website http://www.cmfellowship.org/. I was trying to visit their FAQ page but it redirected to the main page where it looks like everything on the website has been removed and only one article is remaining discussing faith vs thinking. It’s almost as if they decided that thinking is a better virtue than faith. Now if more religions would follow suit.
In fairness there is a website http://www.cdmi.org/?page_id=276 for Christian Discipling Ministries International because in the fall of 2011 CMF became CDMI, which still seems to be religious. I don’t know if there was a split that caused some to go off and start CDMI or if the webmaster at cmfellowship.org just wanted to paste his personal beliefs.
They still publish "The New Creation" bi-monthly. I receive it and enjoy it, it's not very large and easy reading. The Christian Millennial Fellowship changed their name a few years back to Christian Discipling Ministries International "to better reflect the work of building up fellow Christians to maturity in Christ, and there are now many free Christians congregations in foreign countries that have embraced its message and are actively spreading the good news."
Its through CDMI I actually found the "Free Bible Student" congregation I associate with and immensely enjoy. I think alot of times exjw's hear the bible student term and get scared of thinking pyramid charts and that nonsense (I know I did) but I didn't realize there were groups who broke of from the "Society" way back in 1907 due to some of Russells wackiness and they have spread all over and associate with one another without a hierarchy.
This probably best sums up what most "Free Bible Students" hold in common.