JW needs another disaster!

by astroboy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • astroboy

    I'm a new poster and I know this subject has been touched on many times before after 911, but its amazing that a terrorist act that killed so many seemed to inject a little spark in many JWs.

    My JW brother (mini-servant) called the morning of the disaster and his first words to me was "I'm glad I'm on Jehovah's side!"...DUH what does Jehovah got to do with that! Terrorist acts have been going on in other parts of the world thoughout this century with thousands of deaths. Because that particular incident happened here in the States there's some biblical significants to it???

    My mother (also a long time JW) tried to explain that because 911 happened to one of the duo anglo world power (United States and Britain) it had biblical importance....What!!! Where'd you get that!?...What society book saids that!.. she looked at me with a cold stare...I could almost read her thoughts: "You slimy demon possessed apostate!"

    My JW sister called around to all the family members not going to the hall preaching the end is around the corner!!You'd better get your butts back to the hall!!

    While most people I believe, myself included, immediately thought of the tragic loss of life, the horribleness of it all, all those families who lost love ones, the JWs that I knew seemed only concerned about the society being right: These are the last days.

    Funny I never once thought about the org or the so called last days until it was bought up by my JW family members..

    So here you have a bunch of people sitting around waiting for some horrific disaster to occur somewhere in the world (of course not in their backyard) so it can be "proven" that Jehovah's Witnesses were right! theses ARE the last days..thats the exact attitude that many of my JW relatives had during 911. Who cares if a thousand or 2 dies as long as the society is proven right!

    A few posts concerning the apathetic attitudes that many JWs are displaying lately makes one thinks disasters seems to perk them up a bit.

    Can you spell C-U-L-T?

  • ballistic

    quote: Terrorist acts have been going on in other parts of the world thoughout this century with thousands of deaths. Because that particular incident happened here in the States there's some biblical significants to it???

    More die every day around the world from malnutrition or starvation than died at the WTC. Day in, day out, day in, day out, day in, day out, day in, day out...

    I agree there was a spark in the eye of many witnesses after it happened. You could just see that excitement and extra adrenaline rushing through them.

  • LeslieV

    What I found extraordinary when I worked for two weeks at ground zero the total lack of JW's anywhere near the tragedy. I have to say that I saw thousands and spoke to hundreds in that time period..every religion you can think under the stars but no JW's in sight.

    They were so busy preaching the end away from the actual event they took no time to help in anyway those directly effected by what had transpired. Total lack of disregard for others. What kills me is my JW family think they are totally loving and caring. PUKE!! YUCK!!

  • dobby

    I was still hanging around JW's trying to go to meetings after 911.

    One person said

    " I am just so grateful that Jah let 911 happen. It just reminded me of how close to the end we are."

    I looked at her in shock and disbelief and thought "why the hell is this person my friend?" I think of that comment often when I think of my decision to leave - good decision!

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I remember 11 years ago old Saddam was launching Scud missles at Israel. I wasn't as much excited as I was scared because I wasn't doing the "truth." But the other witnesses I knew were giddy from the excitement.
    If I ever hear the statement again "You can feeeel we are deeeep into the time of the end" I am going to get sick. Thats all they got is their feelings. Why heck 1914 (all rubbish) doesn't mean anything anymore. Using their date and their new understanding the end times could go on another 100 or 1000 years!
    But I do feeeel something. We are deeeep into something and it comes from the "end."

  • Soledad
    What I found extraordinary when I worked for two weeks at ground zero the total lack of JW's anywhere near the tragedy.

    OHHH but they claim that they WERE there, talking to all the workers, right at ground zero, right on top of all that twisted steal and piping hot metal on 9/12!! They claim that 100+ workers got baptized at the very next assembly held at Greenpoint in October!! Man, where were you? You missed it! You wont survive Armageddon!! RUN, dont walk, to the nearest hall, right now!!

    What the head makes cloudy the heart makes very clear.

  • Mimilly

    Well, we all know that no matter what happens in the news, the borg will use it to prop up their prophecies.
    For example - If those hijacked jets had of hit the WTS bldgs, they would have said, "Oh dear, it is sooo near the end. They're starting their all out attack on Jah's chosen ones." Only difference is the R&F would've been out in force and very visible in that example.
    They're gonna twist things to suit their sick ideas, be it chickens that cross the road in Siberia or mass murderers looking for revenge.
    Talk about mind control!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I heard a line on West Wing tonight that hit home

    "ALL warfare is based on deception"

    So true, especially the spiritual/theocratic kind
    practiced daily for the last 120 years and proud of it!

  • ronin1


    This is Ronin1:

    I was in a building two (2) blocks away from ground zero on 9/11. I saw the first plane hit/crash and watched the building slowing going down in a ball of fire.

    I did not think at that moment: "Wow!, I glad I am on Jehovah's side or Wow!, I am glad Jehovah's with me. My thoughts were how were we going to escape from our building and get out of downtown. Jah did not have a special plan to protect only me, a JW and I did not think like that.

    It wasn't until 1:30 in the afternoon that many of us left our building and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. When I passed Brooklyn Bethel, I saw no concerned "brothers" out their trying to help us or give us water, as some witnesses have spread the story. The entire properties on Brooklyn Bethel were like a ghost town, vacant. I believe it was later found out that Brooklyn Bethel was on "lockdown" when 9/11 happened.

    Needless to say, I was thankful to Jah that I made it home alive. But I was also thankful that most of my fellow workers at my job did so also. We lost two (2) employees at my job to 9/11 because they had gone over to WTC to have business meetings that day.

    Jah is on the side of all those righteously deposed of his will and purposes. He did not pick who lived that day or died. But many will be remembered by him.


  • ballistic

    Ronin, we've all just been witnesses. You don't have to explain how one feels.
    What made me personally disgusted was all the talk of "what a fine opportunity to give a witness" instead of "how can we help?"

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