Will The Faithful And Discreet Slave/GB Pay Out Millions In Child Molestation Lawsuit In This Fateful Year 2014 ?

by frankiespeakin 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • frankiespeakin

    Watchtower Corporate Newspaper study article say the Faithful Slave will never be unfaithful. Then I guess multimillion dollar lawsuits losses over willful malfeaance don't count as unfaithfulness in the slave definition of terms.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    To whom are they faithful?

  • frankiespeakin

    They are faithful to Watchtower corporate intrests, but lost their brains in the process. Anywho they are faithful to that big guy in the sky that appointed them to be his slaves and carry out his orders and commands even if they seem from a worldy standpoint unpopular, which will turn around and bite them in the ass as they keep persuing a course that is considered foolish to the world but wise in their Corporate's Deity eyes which is really their corporation's image of the Deity riding his celestial chariot/earthly organization/corporation, like a stallion in heat Yeeee Haaaaa!.

  • RottenRiley

    The Watchtower is paying "Satan's things to Satan", so I hope they give Satan back $1 billion plus interest, Satan don't loan out money on the cheap!

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