"self-ag·gran·dize·ment (sĕlf′ə-grăn′dĭz-mənt)
n. The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation.
self′-ag·gran′diz′ing (-ə-grăn′dī′zĭng) adj. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/self-aggrandizement For Newbies seeking Truth, here's a cool article that helps you understand what a true prophet is! God Bless All! "
Criteria of False Prophets
Notes on Deuteronomy 18:22
Dennis Bratcher
A biblical passage that some present as "proof" of a purely predictive role for prophecy is Deuteronomy 18:22:
If a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD but the thing does not take place or prove true, it is a word that the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it.
The focus here is usually on the phrase "does not take place," as if correspondence between the prediction of a specific historical event and its happening in that precise way in history is the primary, only, and absolute validation of a prophet. But as is usually the case, this passage needs to be read carefully in context to see what it is addressing, and therefore what it is really saying in this context...." Read More At
We sat back in our chairs at Meetings thinking the False Prophets, False Teachers were 1 Million Xs better than Christendom, what did we base our faulty thinking on? The Trinity and Neutrality and Preaching, there are many other religions that are better at these than the Watchtower will admit, the Watchtower won't tell you the only reason why they can preach in Africa and other Continents is because Christendom's preachers paved the way. Look at how little growth, if any, ever develops in a Country where Christendom never had sucess? The Middle East has such micro growth, Asia has not been a Boom for Bethel either, Watchtower want's you to believe in their triple-faced definition of a Prophet.
They wiggle like a worm, the call themselves prophets, change the meaning when their prophecy or interpretations of doctrine fail and still want you to put your faith in a evil Organization. Do they think the majority of their members don't read their publications or understand the gross failings of Watchtower history?
Why not allow the JWs to have Open Access to all Watchtower's dating to 1917? Golden Age Access and other great information the Prophet of New York has spoken?