It seems the main countries are NOT visiting the site as they say in their stats.
This is the claims made: reaches 230 nations
but here are the stats from ALEXA.
I realise alexa is not 100% accurate, but it is sure different ti jw claims...
Country.. % of visitors.. rank in that country
United States | 20.9% | 1,770 |
Brazil | 8.1% | 589 |
Mexico | 6.7% | 562 |
Japan | 5.1% | 1,729 |
Russia | 3.8% | 2,434 |
Italy | 3.5% | 1,177 |
United Kingdom | 3.1% | 1,910 |
Nigeria | 3.0% | 351 |
France | 2.5% | 2,657 |
Germany | 2.4% | 3,533 | is just a pointer domain to
Bounce Rate
28.50% > 14.00%
Daily Pageviews per Visitor
7.72 < 5.00%
Daily Time on Site
8:16 < 8.00% The MAJORITY of visitors have no colledge education, alexa states: (Relative to the general internet population, people who did not go to college are over-represented at this site.)