John 14:13
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. KJV
I'll do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. ISV
OK. Now that says what it says and I was lead to believe that as a Christian that Jesus would grant me my requests. Now when I was a Xtian I figured that I couldn't ask Jesus for a lotto win but rather I could ask for things that I needed that weren't totally selfish or meant the control of others but rather could be beneficial all around.
I figured this narrowed it down. I prayed for good things.
Nothing happened.
Not a thing.
There was no evidence that Jesus was listening let alone made good on the promise written down in John 14:13. I await varied viewpoints.
When I was a Xtian my viewpoint was that Jesus had something better in mind. When my prayers, earnest that they were, were not answered I concluded the scripture might mean something else (Ugh, what a delusional twat I was), Well that's odd, he ended up making me an's that for an own goal sky daddy? You obviously are manipulating my soul to hell against my will!
Or Jesus and old sky daddy don't exist.