My wife & I will be in the Brisbane Aust. area , the first 3 weeks in Aoril if anybodys interested .
by smiddy 7 Replies latest jw friends
I just thought I would put it out their to see how many freinds I`ve got . LOL
Sent you a PM.
Hey Smiddy not too far from me. I'll see how the family are as they are in Brissie. Might be able to arrange to see the grankids and have a catchup with you and yours.
I trust you're a true blooded Aussie - grown up on Rugger and Cricket etc
We will be hosting you guys shortly in Cricket - Its going to be a great contest - especially after your annihilation of England.
I am over in Cape Town.
Regards Mate
That's great Smiddy! I've been to Sydney once, and ever since I'm looking forward to the day I'll return to Oz. And for the 'friends'... haha, nice try, but don't let the low response get you down, you're very much appreciated on JWN.
Thanks for the response guys I`ll let those who responded more details as the day draws near ( its just around the corner )
Yay, we'll start a 'countdown' topic for you haha. Today it's only 3 months... as of tomorrow it's only 2! See? Time flies!