Could You Beat Anthony Morris In A Bible Debate or Apologetic s Discussion?

by RottenRiley 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RottenRiley

    Do you think he really knows the Bible like a hard-core Christian Apologist? Does he study non-stop or does use his head mining the Internet looking up the latest Homosexual Conpiracies while wishing he could wear his wife's dress?

  • Oubliette

    That's me on the left in the tight pants. AM the Little Turd on the right!

    Oubliette vs AM the Turd

  • RottenRiley

    Good, Knock him out of the wrestling area! Your probably so strong, you could throw him out of the wrestling ring!

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    You would not win, just as Dawkins cannot win from a creationist (see Youtube video of him with Wendy Wright). What does happen is that the creationist makes him/herself look ridiculous. In the case of Tony - just by his talk he has already made himself ridiculous - talking about wrong ties, tight pants, being homophobic, visiting Disney and more.

    A true Christian leader would be talking about matters as cultivating the fruit of the spirit and Displaying Christlike Compassion - but such material is no longer taught by the witnesses. Even Jesus account of "he without sin cast the first stone" has been removed from their new "silver sword" Bible.


  • RottenRiley

    We are in Times where JWs are hurting, suffering from terrible anxiety and fear they won't have enough to live on and Tony Morris is flying around in his Watchtower Lear Jet spreading a Anti-Homosexual Message, what priorites!

    There are many Jehovah's Witnesses who stay at home and miss lots of Meetings because they don't build you up, they tear you down! We could focus on Christian Matters but you said rightly, "Tony Tight pants focus is on Gay things!".

  • RottenRiley

    We are in Times where JWs are hurting, suffering from terrible anxiety and fear they won't have enough to live on and Tony Morris is flying around in his Watchtower Lear Jet (Or First-Class, the GB deserve the best while unworthy lessor Slaves like St. Paul traveled least expensively on his own dime) spreading a Anti-Homosexual Message, what priorites!

    There are many Jehovah's Witnesses who stay at home and miss lots of Meetings because they don't build you up, they tear you down! We could focus on Christian Matters but you said rightly, "Tony Tight pants focus is on Gay things!".

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