What would you do??

by DATA-DOG 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I you knew that JWs were ramping up their activities in a new language or foreign field, would you warn the public or the Government? What if it was a nearly virgin territory with almost zero knowledge of JWism? What if your own JW family was involved? Do you think it's best to ignore it? Or, would you send a link to Jwfacts.com to the authorities?

    We know that Jws will play the "persecution" card no matter what, so what would you do? I would think just presenting the facts or the other side of the coin is a good thing. After all, we know the GB will never have an honest and forthright discussion, or present any less than desirable information about the WTBTS to the public.

    I am in a pinch. People need to have all the facts when making life decisions. There are many individual dubs that I love, but the WTBTS is not "THE TRUTH." What would you do?


  • LostGeneration

    You can't save the world.

    The authorities don't care about JWs, they are a minor Christian cult in the grand scheme of things. If you personally know people, you can let them know, whether in person or by anonymous email or letter.

    Other than that, people have the right to pick their own religion, even if its stupid.

  • Viviane

    You could always do a "Truth about the Truth" style information campaign, but I am big fan of freedom on speech, religion and treating adults like adults, meaning allowing them to make their own decision, even if it is a stupid one.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    LostGeneration - 'Other than that, people have the right to pick their own religion, even if its stupid.' I found your statement interesting. But surely 'choice' needs to be based on accurate inforamtion. If the choice is a result of being deceived is it a proper choice? Certainly in the consumer area we would say not. The principle of caveat emptor or 'buyer beware' has been undermined by legislation that prohibits deceptiove and misleading practices. I think this should also be the case for religion. A lot of mischief is perpetrated under th banner of freedom of choice and freedom of religion. The WBTS is likely a virulent disease, spereading to all conrers of the world and using the legal system and support for 'freedom of religion' to attack any who resist. Data-Dog, your intentions are worthy but unfortunatley I suspect any action will be futile. Fraz

  • KateWild

    If someone was interested in talking to an ex-member I would make sure I was available. I don't think I would cold call or tell the authorities. But it all depends on the details and my present circumstances.

    Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    If you knew that JWs were ramping up their activities in a new language or foreign field, would you warn the public or the Government?

    What country is this or is it hypothetical?

    What if it was a nearly virgin territory with almost zero knowledge of JWism?

    I would hazard a guess that if it isn't an opulent country the WBT$ will have little interest.

    What if your own JW family was involved?

    I would have warned them ages ago.

    Do you think it's best to ignore it?

    Depends on the circumstances. No one cares about the JWs from government level let alone in the street. More details required methinks/

    Or, would you send a link to Jwfacts . com to the authorities?

    I believe the authorities would consider they have better things to think about than a pesky cult.

    What is the predominant religion in the country and are the authorities of this denomination?

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