The organisation is one step away from this..

by Dis-Member 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Dis-Member

    UN slams Vatican over child sex abuse

    A United Nations human rights committee has slammed the Vatican for adopting policies allowing priests to rape and molest tens of thousands of children.

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child denounced in a report on Wednesday the Holy See for adopting policies that allow the clergy to abuse children with impunity.

    "The Committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and the impunity of the perpetrators," said the UN committee.

    In addition, the UN committee urged the Vatican to release documents about the pedophiles and churchmen instead of concealing them.

    It also urged the Holy See to "immediately remove all known and suspected child sexual abusers from assignment and refer the matter to the relevant law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution purposes."

  • pronomono

    I had the same thought cross my mind when I read it this morning. I could see it happening for all religions really. That will be the time that WTBTS says their prophecies are coming true. The scarlet covered wild beast is attacking Babylon the Great and about to touch the eye of Jehovah. The end is nearer! It will be a God-send for the GB.

  • pixel

    Yeah, all at the expense of rape childs.

  • punkofnice

    'Slams' and 'urged' are the key here. The UN may slam and urge but this is nothing like imposing sanctions and taking action. That is unless the slam and urge is just the thin end of the wedge.

    I hold not my breath.

  • Phizzy

    The U.N, in this as in so many things, is a Toothless Tiger.

    The only good thing about it is that it gets publicity, which may continue to encoourage the Vatican to take this issue seriously.

    The R.C Church is doing far more to improve their practices than the WT's efforts, which amount to absolutely Zero.

  • Vidiot

    Usually when the word "slams" is used in a headline, it's to make the story seem like it's got more punch than it actually has; the UN has never had the kind of clout that right-wing/ultra-conservative/apocalyptic Christians (JWs included) have attributed to it.

    That being said, the public exposure can only help.

    pronomono - "I could see it happening for all religions really. That will be the time that WTBTS says their prophecies are coming true. The scarlet covered wild beast is attacking Babylon the Great and about to touch the eye of Jehovah. The end is nearer! It will be a God-send for the GB."

    It could definately be a shot in the arm, but almost certainly short-lived (and could, in fact, backfire) for a number of reasons.

    According to JW eschatology, all the "worldly" religions are supposed to be completely eliminated (reform isn't on the table), while the WTS gets left alone during this time. However, if the issue actually escalates across the board to the level of the courts (and public awareness and demand could very well take it there), it's more likely that smaller authoritarian religions with more egregious offences get legally smacked first, to serve as a warning and an example, which - if/when it happened to the WTS - might be a little harder to retcon into Fred Franz's End-Times script.

    Not to mention the Big A is supposed to drop immediately after "God's people" get attacked.

    Picture this... the Law and the Courts give the WTS a good spanking, and JW loyalists take that as the final sign, look to the skies for Armageddon to arrive and validate them...

    ...and hear nothing but chirping crickets.

  • Dis-Member

    Scathing UN Report Demands Vatican Act Against Child Sex Abuse

    "The United Nations demanded that the Vatican ”immediately remove” all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers and turn them over to civil authorities, in an unprecedented and scathing report on Wednesday.

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child said church officials had imposed a “code of silence” on clerics to prevent them reporting attacks to police, and moved abusers from parish to parish “in an attempt to cover up such crimes”.

    It said the Holy See must hand over an archive of evidence about the abuse of tens of thousands of children, and take measures to prevent a repeat of cases such as the scandal of Ireland’s Magdalene laundries, where girls were forced to work in church-run institutions."

    If the people over on Silent Lambs organise themselves and get all those horrific stories over to the people at then UN I'm sure they would act upon it as they have done with the Catholic Church. They will have no choice but to.


    I would love to see all pedo-protectors held accountable. Can the UN really do anything?? I think they are powerless, except to raise public awareness. Also, it's a great symbiotic relationship, this "religion" and UN/OSCE combine. The UN says, " Hey guys, come on now..don't make me spank you.." The public sees a few people go down as examples, but the problem never gets solved. The UN looks like a champion of reform, the religious leaders look like they are progressive, but they are in bed together. So does the UN really want to do anything??

    Religion keeps making money, the UN keeps making money. The UN even pays NGO's to engage in public works and reform, just check out the latest post from ATLANTIS. That really made me sick. They are in cahoots with each other. The image is created and then worshipped by those who created it. That's called a never-ending cycle, aka job security. The image has taken on a life of it's own, and it must be fed. Like the WTBTS corporation, it's alive, and it wants blood. If you kill it, you lose your power, position, purpose and life-style. If you let it live, you lose your soul. It's a reciprocating relationship with a lot of green handshakes and self-aggrandizing for all. I wouldn't look for any real changes to take place. A few "bad apples" may be sacrificed on the altar, but the system will live on.


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