UN & Recent Catholic development & The future of organized religion

by 4thgen 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 4thgen

    There were recent two posts that got me to thinking…the first was on the topic of if rank and file should be excused and the second was from a person whose mother who was in her 80’s excited about the UN and the Catholic child abuse issue, believing the great tribulation was near.

    As with the ways of the world, eventually the governments may get tired of all the abuses that are perpetrated by religions against their citizens; and action maybe be taken. It can quickly become a worldwide human rights issue, as not many citizens actually condone child abuse.

    Of course if organized religion is turned upside down, a great amount of wealth may return to the governments, which could begin to bring the world economy back into balance.

    So, it appears at this point in time there is a possibility that the U.N. may turn on religion eventually. (Like the JW speak? ) IF that is the case, where does that leave honest hearted people who wish to believe in God, whether they are Catholics, Jdubs, Baptists or anyone?

    Could things eventually be as the old John Lennon song “Imagine” said, with a world ‘at peace, with no religion, too?’

    Just thought I’d stir up a little hornets nest today. There is bound to be many difffering opinions on this subject.

  • Aroq

    What I could see from the scenario you presented is that the tax deduction and exemption being done away with globally. That alone would hurt many, especially those who hoard $ and property. Would that take away from Churches? Some, but those who gather for no other means other than to worship God and help others, I do not see that EVER going away. Case in point, home Bible studies.

  • metatron

    Just not credible because it ignores the Islamic world. Are they going to kill off hundreds of millions of Muslims? Forbid Islam?


  • WTWizard

    I would like more than loss of tax exemption for religions that teach people to be stupid and to ignore the laws of nature. They need to have their wealth confiscated--and that goes for the Jewish and Islam religions as much as for xian ones. All three have used coercion to extort money from communities, which needs to be returned. All three have held back science, even praising bogus science that does nothing more than puts the terminus on curiosity instead of advancing us to infinity. All three have been responsible for invading countries where they have no damn business in, for the purpose of trashing cultures to impose their own bogus religions. All three have murdered people because they simply wanted to mind their own business.

    As for ruining religion, how damn difficult would it have been to destroy the Vatican? Poop Francis, like so many other poops before, has recently been indicted on running child trafficking rings. As the vatican is about the size of a medium sized shopping mall, why the fxxx can't Rome send a SWAT team in there and raid the whole compound? And, if that LIE-ble is so cursed that having one in your home helps Israel put curses on the nations to create disaster every time they don't get their way, why can't the sources of these curses be rooted out and eliminated? Such is so blatant if one is willing to objectively read, right in their own LIE-ble, all the curses placed on "pagan nations". Tyrant David's attitude should be enough. This book is nothing but black magick cast on us all--the Quran is just as bad. Why can't those responsible for aggressive distribution be put out of business through confiscation of their wealth?

    The governments have shown us that they can limit distribution of material through laws, even if not perfect. Kiddie porn is outlawed, and you can get long jail time for possessing it, let alone distributing it (and, if they wanted to go after those producing it, someone could get jail time that could exceed 20 years). Drugs are banned--though people still find ways to get them. If they can control such things, why can't they control those who push LIE-bles and Qurans so aggressively? After all, those things have zero innate value--you never get high on a LIE-ble, nor can you get kicks out of one (unless you desire to ruin lives). Anyone reading those stories can know that "the nations" are blatantly cursed. And there are numbers in both books--to be used in witchcraft against "the nations". Now, if it is this blatant, why don't "the nations" go after the source (the vatican) and raid it?

    No vatican, no LIE-bles. No LIE-bles, no curses against "the nations". And, if they just confiscated the wealth of the vatican and the Rothschilds (who finance the vatican), there would be enough to totally eliminate all income and sales taxes worldwide, even without cutting anything from welfare, social security, or the military.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    "Just not credible because it ignores the Islamic world. Are they going to kill off hundreds of millions of Muslims? Forbid Islam?"

    That would be the last thing they ever did.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    People are so ignorant of Islam. What is shocking to me is how people can live in a Western democratic society and believe religion should be banned.. Hello, Lenin and Stalin. Meet Chairman Mao. It is chilling. This certainly is the American Taliban speaking.

  • metatron

    Many politicians and academics are gutless wimps who will eagerly slam Catholics, Born Agains or Anglicans but keep away from saying anything bad about Muslims (who might kill their a$$).

    Turning on religion is a fantasy.

    The only way I see the world "turning on religion" would be for nations to announce that ET's do exist. Then, organized religion would fade to black (except for Buddhism, maybe).


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