Jesus used to read apostate literature!

by abiather 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    Jesus made several references to the persecution and martyrdom of the prophets (Mathew 23:29-37; 21:35; 22:6; 5:12; Luke 6:23; 11:47) which are not found in Old Testament (with some exceptions like 2 Chronicle 24:21), but found mostly either in Jewish tradition or in apocryphal/apostate literature. He had no problem in talking even with Satan himself. (Mathew 4:1-10)

    Jesus is not an exception. Jude too makes reference to things that is not found in Old Testament (Jude 14-15).

    This obviously means the faithful servants of God had no restriction on reading things not inspired! Yet JWs are told not to read apostate literature!

  • RottenRiley

    JWs can't keep up with their twenty page magazines, keeping up their education by on Organizational Writings is not on top of their list. How many JWs did you know who actually studied all their magazines and read the books? I started to lose my stomach when we kept going over the Revelation Book, I did not know our Study was based off the Inventory of the Watchtower's Warehouses and not the Spiritual Needs of the Masses.

    Did you encounter many JWs you respected as powerful Christian Apologist or strong Bible Scholars? I can't say I know of more than five who knew the Bible well, they knew the Watchtower's Organizational Rules but not the Bible and Spirit of Christian Values. The majority of the Witnesses are mentally lazy and refuse to study the weekly lessons, I got sick of people placing Mags they did not read themselves, pure idiocy!

    The smart JW would visit JWN to get his studying done for the Watchtower by coping Blondie's or Billy's Weekly lesson and cross out the parts they don't like because they will never encounter a studied lesson so detailed in their Kingdom Hall with lots of supporting scriptures and texts of past WT Materials.

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