Any German speakers translate this to English for me?
by JWOP 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Let me try this again.
Den Höhepunkt stellt der dritte Lobpreis über das präexistente „Wort" dar: „und Gott war das Wort". In 1c steht „Gott" im Unterschied zum artikulierten Gottesbegriff in V.1b ohne Artikel betont am Anfang. Indem so das letzte Wort von aufgenommen wird, spricht der Hymnus dem „Wort" das Gott-Sein zu. Das voranstehende „und Gott" ist Prädikat, identifiziert aber keineswegs das Wort mit dem vorhergenannten „bei dem Gott". Dadurch wird das „Wort" ebenso „Gott" genannt wie es derjenige ist, mit dem dieses „Wort" in engster Gemeinschaft steht. Das Gott-Sein bezeichnet das Wesen sowohl des „Wortes" als auch Gottes selbst. Das Wort „Gott" in der Aussage von V.1c ist nicht Subjekt- so Luthers Übersetzung:„Gott war das Wort", sondern Satzaussage. Das „Wort" ist nicht „der Gott " (soV.1b), also Gott der Vater. Gleichwohl ist der Logos Gott von Art, göttlichen Wesens, mit Gott wesensgleich, so daß man sachgemäß zu übersetzen hat: „und göttlicher Art war das Wort". Das Bekenntnis des Alten Testaments und des Judentums zum Monotheismus wird demnach auch in diesem hellenistischen, vorjohanneischen Hymnus respektiert. In gar keiner Weise liegt hier aberwie wir schon betont haben - eine einfache Identifikation vor! Der Hymnus singt in der Tat davon , daß im Anfang zwei göttliche Wesen bzw . Personen nebeneinander und die eine der anderen übergeordnet existiert haben . Das „Wort" ist der göttliche Offenbarer, so daß nur in ihm, Gott selber den Menschen begegnet. Nur in dieser „Wort"-Offenbarung ist Gott da und nah, und wer es mit dem Offenbarer zu tun bekommt, bekommt es in Wahrheit mit Gott zu tun.
It's from the book Das Evangelium Nach Johannes, by Siegfried Schulz. Thank you in advance!
Google translation:
The highlight is the third praise about the pre-existing " word" is " and the Word was God ." In 1c is "God" in contrast to the articulated concept of God in V.1b without article emphasizes at the beginning. , By as the last word of is taken , says the hymn, the " word" that God - His to . The preceding " and God " is a predicate, but by no means identifies the word with the previously mentioned " in which God " . This is the "word" also called "God " as it is the one with which this " word" is in close fellowship . , The God - being is characterized both the nature of the "word " of God himself and the word "God" in the statement of V.1c is not subject to Luther's translation : " the Word was God " , but sentence statement. The " word " is not " the God " ( soV.1b ) , so God the Father . Nevertheless, the album God of nature , the divine essence , consubstantial with God , so that one has properly translate : " and divine kind was the Word " The commitment of the Old Testament and Judaism to monotheism is therefore also in this Hellenistic , vorjohanneischen . . respected hymn in even no way is here aberwie we have already pointed out - a simple identification before the hymn sings in fact from the fact that in the beginning or the two divine beings persons side by side and have existed one of the other superordinate the "Word ! . . " is the divine revealer , so that only in him, God himself meets the people . Only in this "word" revelation is here and close to God , and who gets to do it with the Revelator , it gets done in truth with God.
My translation:
The third praise addressed to the preexistent "Word" represents the climax: "and God was the Word". Vs. 1c reads "God" rather than the arthrous concept of God in vs. 1b, it is without article and emphasized at the beginning of the sentence (in Greek). By picking up the last word of vs. 1b, the hymn confers the "Word" the state of being God. The leading "and God" is a predicate, but under no circumstances does it identify the Word with the previously mentioned "with [the] God". Thus the "Word" is also being called "God" like one with whom it shares a very close relationship. The state of being God designates both the physis (or nature) of the "Word" as well as of God himself. The word "God" in the sentence of vs. 1c is not the subject, as in Luther's translation, "God was the Word", but the predicate noun. The "Word" is not "[the] God" of vs. 1b (which refers to God the Father). At the same time, the Logos shares the same kind as God, has a divine nature, it is has the same nature as God, in fact it can be translated as, "and of divine kind was the Word". The statement of faith regarding monotheism found in the Old Testament and Judaism is also being respected in this Hellenistic, pre-Johannine hymn. But, as we have already emphasized, in no way do we have here a straight identification. The hymn sings about the fact that in the beginning there have existed two divine beings, or persons, one next to the other, and also one subjected to the other. The "Word" is the divine revealer, so that only within him humans meet God himself. Only through this "Word"-revelation is God closely present and who gets to interact with the revealer gets in reality to interact with God.
Thank you both!