fyi~ in the US (mountain standard time), PBS
Amish documentary on now....
by freeflyingfaerie 5 Replies latest jw friends
...following the lives of some who left...their being shunned...trying to make it in the world...(getting a social security number as an adult)
The parallels between growing up Amish and growing up as a JW are apparent when this show is watched.
The Amish children grow up secluded and controlled. If they leave they are told that they will spend the rest of eternity in Hell. If their parents are liberal and allow the kids to do things that aren't approved, the church leaders reprimand / council the parents.
As Jehovah's Witnesses, the Governing Body and their representatives (the Elders) behave the same.
The Org. wants to keep the kids on it's Watchtower 'farm'.
I watched on THursday night and the thing that stood out in my mind regarding the similiarities of the Borg and the Amish are when a woman mentioned that you're never to miss attending church and if you do "they will talk about why you weren't there" similar to the "we missed you at the meeting" phone call or question you get when you run into the Dubs after you miss a meeting
I guess really the big difference between us and Amish/Mennonites is that they generally live in isolated communities. I remember going out in service in Mennonite territory cause my older brother was giving a talk in a rural kindom hall. One of the brothers was talking about life as a Memmonite, and it was pretty surprising how similar their "controlling techniques" are to ours.
Good read