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by WhoYourDaddy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • WhoYourDaddy

    What is it about the JW’s that draws them together?

    Group think?

    Ambient abuse?

    Us vs. them?

    Fear of guilt?

    Fear of death?

    Fear of poverty?

    Fear of ill health?

    Fear of old age?

    Desire to control other?

    Desire to be a part of a group?

    Desire to give up locus of control?

    Desire to decrease guilt?

    Narcissistic abuse?

    Desire for narcissistic supply?

    I honestly think the JW’s are so conditioned to resist and fight with an US VS. THEM mentality that even when they become disenchanted with the religion, or thrown out of the religion, they have such a callous behavior pattern to resist, (their nervous system is so in tuned, or fine tuned to resist others) that they just go ballistic from all of the ambient abuse and pain of the life as a jw. This would also explain why xjw’s become stark raving crazed atheist upon expulsion or removal.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Hmm sneaky. Perhaps we become atheists because the same logic that brings us out of the religion brings us out of all religion. To just stop thinking after leaving JWs is to be willfully ignorant. If a person is to be willfully ignorant, they might as well stay with the JWs.

  • designs

    "raving crazed atheist" as opposed to raving crazed Evangelicals...

  • integ

    I think it's the "Us v Them" mentality. They did a great job of creating that. The DF'ing doctrine is very powerful. They control by FEAR now. I have enough problems in my life with creditors, job, and just life in general that I have to worry about being dragged into a JC meeting and being 'busted' by what is supposed to be an oasis from the troubles of the world? I mean, what kind of religion has it's own built in police force? Why should ANY OF US have to worry about getting into "trouble" and becoming "disciplined"? It's ridiculous. The 'TRUTH' is that if they announced that people could leave w/out any disciplinary action that a HUGE % of the flock would get the heck out of there.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    >>>"raving crazed atheist" as opposed to raving crazed Evangelicals."<<

    Not at all lady. Rent a billboard and scream it from the mountain tops if it makes you happy. I will never push my beliefs on you and frankly couldn't care less what you believe.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome WhoYourDaddy. Although I am a Christian, I can understand how exJWs can become atheists because of logical examination of facts and not because of a nervous system reaction to leaving the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • wizzstick

    narcissistic supply.

    Hmmm - how strange. Another poster users that phrase an awful lot. I wonder...

  • valkyrie

    - "Narcissistic Supply"

    - "RunAsFastAsYouCan"

    - "WhoYourDaddy"

    Why so many identities, OP?

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