Revelation book says a 1,000 years. Doesnt sound symbolic, however since a 1,000 (human) years to us is 1 day to GOD, any proof that the 1,000 year reign will actually be 1,000 human years and not 1,000 GOD years??
1,000 Year Reign- Is that in human years or GOD's ?
by bruh2012 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Doesn't sound symbolic? So you mean one day to God in the literal sense is exactly 1,000 revolutions of the earth around the sun? Does this mean God is confined by space and time? If so, what caused the Big Bang?
According to the Catholic Church, the number 1,000 is symbolic. It just means 'a multitude'or... 'more than we can count, because we have run out of fingers & toes'. ...and who are we to argue with the Catholics- after all, they wrote the Bible.
Transhuman is correct, the 1000 years is symbolic. It was a standard belief in all traditional European mainstream religions.
This is the meaning the Catholic Church gives to various numbers:
Seven is the perfect figure, and signifies fullness.
Six (seven minus one) is imperfection.
Three and a half (half seven) is imperfection, suffering, the time of trial and persecution. Be careful! Three and a half can appear in various forms, but its symbolic value remains the same: thus three and a half, or a time, times and a half a time (perhaps I + 2 + 1/2), or three years and half a year all have the same significance as three and half days or forty-two months or 1,260 days!
Twelve means Israel (because of the twelve tribes). Four signifies the world (the four points of the compass).
A thousand is an incalculable quantity.This is sort of the same as the JW's belief, but of course can't be used to predict Armageddon, or to have a literal 144,000. The same numbers are used frequently in the Bible- like the number 40, for instance. Who knows what it all means? But the Bible writers sure had a different concept of time to us... none of them had ever seen a clock, LOL!