Ok just an update but i was able to rescind my DA letter and the elders after meeting with me, took my excuse and encouraged me to rejoin the congregation. I would love to share with you the theocratic warfare strategy i used to explain away my DA letter but that may identify me to easily. But any way they could of really put me over the coals on one area of the letter which was changed a bit from the one I posted her so that makes me think these guys really want me back then gone. Probably because i have a large family and they don't want to loose those as well.
So here is my dilema, part of me never wanted to DA but just fade but did so when I thought they were going to DF. So now I have faded for almost a year going to only a handful of meetings that last one just to see one of my kids give a talk. Do I go back and go to maybe half the meetings a month so as to look like I'm back in and then through this strategy use me being there and hearing what's being said as a way to drop little seeds to help my kids wake up. Then to all the while having a weekly bible study going over topics again to plant seed to wake the kids. Or do I just not go at all since my family is pretty much believe I'm done with this religion anyway?? My thoughts about going back is that it seems as though I have been marginalized spiritually and thats the way it will continue if I don't go back. Even when I talk with my wife about having a bible study once a week a while ago she wanted to fight over which bible to use since the JW bible is the only one that counts in her mind. Also the congregation is pretty hands on with my kids, some of the younger brother taking the lead to help my boys with a bible study and service etc. These hands on crap will make it harder for me I believe.
Or is it better to wait and not go hoping over time some of the kids will see something and then see that i don't go and this way they come ask me questions or just not going at all the kids see me marginalizing the religion. Not sure which way to go, what works best?????