Hmm The Apostate?

by Jon Preston 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    I was thinking about the term apostate and decided to search it i. The glorious "revised revised revision of the NWT" and found interesting things. First it only appears twice. In proverbs 11:9

    New World Translation Pr 11:9 By his mouth the apostate brings his neighbor to ruin, But by knowledge the righteous are rescued.

    Reference Bible Pr 11:9 By [his] mouth the one who is an apostate brings his fellowman to ruin, but by knowledge are the righteous rescued.

    Kingdom Interlinear The selected verse is not present in this Bible. Hmmmmm i wonder why

    Byington Pr 11:9 By an ungodly man’s mouth his neighbor is ruined, but by knowledge honest men are rescued. American Standard Version Pr 11:9 With his mouth the godless man destroyeth his neighbor; But through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered.

    King James Version Pr 11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

    notice anything interesting?

    Waaaait waaait how about

    New World Translation Isa 10:6 I will send him against an apostate nation, Against the people who infuriated me; I will command him to take much spoil and much plunder And to trample them like mud in the streets.

    Reference Bible Isa 10:6 Against an apostate nation I shall send him, and against the people of my fury I shall issue a command to him, to take much spoil and to take much plunder and to make it a trampling place like the clay of the streets.

    Kingdom Interlinear The selected verse is not present in this Bible. Hmmmmmmm again?!?!

    Byington Isa 10:6 I send him upon an irreligious nation and commission him against the people of my wrath to carry off booty and lift plunder and reduce them to a trampled mass like street clay.

    merican Standard Version Isa 10:6 I will send him against a profane nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

    King James Version Isa 10:6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.

    so as u can see the two ways the. WT uses apostate in their Bible is NOT accurate nor consistent with all other bibles not associated with them....ANDthey conveniently do not provide the linear for these verses.....whoops.


  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Although they conveniently provide no interlinear or assistance for translating any of the OT......

  • Bobcat


    It sounds like you are using the JWApp (or whatever it's called). The Kingdom Interlinear wouldn't have anything for Proverbs or Isaiah. It only covers Matthew to Revelation.

    At BibleHub.Com you can find both Hebrew and Greek language support as well as numerous translations for comparison.

    Here is Proverbs 11:9. And here is Isaiah 10:6.

    "Apostate" as a rendering for hanep (Strong's # 2611) picks up on some of the possible flavor of the word. That is, it can refer to an "apostate" or someone who has left God. (Compare Job 8:13) But it is also used of those who are just plain "godless," regardless of whether they used to be "godly." (You can find it 13x in the OT: Job 8:13; 13:16; 15:34; 17:8; 20:5; 27:8; 34:30; 36:13; Ps 35:16; Prov 11:9; Isa 9:17; 10:6; 33:14)

    Interestingly, "apostate," by WT standards, does not necessarily refer to a "godless" person. Rather, in practice, it refers to anyone who holds a position or belief that is contrary to the WT position of belief. Thus, a person could hold a belief contrary to the WT's as a matter of holding a good conscience. Yet the WT would brand such a one as an "apostate." Jesus foresaw that possibility. (Matthew 5:11; John 16:2)

    Take Care

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    ah cheers thanks!

  • eyeuse2badub

    The "new light" for this year's DC or AGM will be the 'revelation' that Jesus was really talking about "apostates" when he spoke about the "evil slave" and that the "evil slave" is not hypothetical after all.

    Just saying!


  • punkofnice

    As we all know the 'apostate(TM)' as per the WBT$ is just fear and control propaganda tactics. They invented a bogeyman to frighten the JWs into closing ranks and have something to hate and spit about.

    Very transparent cult control.


    After getting into legal troubles from the "Human Apostate" talk, with all it's hate speech, the WTBT$ is using the term "false apostle" or "false disciple" now. They may be trying to outwardly distance themselves from the practice of condemning dissenters with eternal death, just for disagreeing with human ideas that are subject to change.

    It doesn't mean that they will never use "apostasy" as an acusation, or that they will treat the flock better. I think that they are trying to limit their legal troubles while essentially shunning dissenters and protecting the Corporation. That's why we get the WT articles about limiting association with anyone who is critical of the Organization/GB/FDS.

    Who are those that "may" be "leaning" towards "apostasy?" Who are these potential "false apostles?" Anyone who disagrees with the WTBTS, even if it's incorrect for 90+ years. Don't speculate either. Only the collective FDS can speculate. If they are wrong it's "truth" if you are correct, yet disagree with the WT magazine, it's apostasy. It's confusing, but "evidently" Jehovah approves of these methods.


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