I am just putting this out there. Notice how they REPEATEDLY stress that the proceedings are NOT a Trial or Legal proceeding? Is this their way of putting out their position so that they have a legal defense against challenges of those disfellowshipped? What is your take, have they covered their butt?
Were the JW Judicial Instructional Videos Leaked on Purpose?
by Wasanelder Once 4 Replies latest jw friends
jean-luc picard
maybe protecting the corporation against over zealous elders. or " if theres a problem, your on your own."
Why would those douche bags stress something that is plainly obvious...Clearly it's not a legal proceeding as they are not elected / appointed judges or lawyers in a court of law. I swear everyone in this cult takes f%$#@ing crazy pills.
I also wondered if they may have been leaked intentionaly, but for a different reason. I think it's interesting that they use an example of "imorality" rather than "Apostasy". I also think its interesting when the elder says to the accused "since this is your first time facing a Judical Commitee", but then says nothing about whether or not he is wearing a recording device. I think if it was leaked intentionally, it may have been done so to potray how supposedly concerned the elders are about the "Spiritual welfare" of those involved, and how their supposed goal is to "restore their reltionship with Jehovah" Isn't it interesting how nothing is said about the accused responsibility to the Girlfriend and her unborn child? Are we to really think this is an acceptable aproach for a person wanting to be a Christian in this situation? Doesn't "Robbie" have a legal and moral responsibility toward his unborn child? Is it really "Jehovah's way" for him to just "Break it off" and walk away leaving her to fend for herself?
I kinda think they don't want the elders to think of a JC in terms of a legal trial. Maybe some elders were viewing the accused as a person with 'rights' and requiring 'due process.' Maybe the Society feels that that is behind some of the spate of merciful attitude that has gotten hold of some of these Judicial Committees. Perhaps they see some elders holding themselves to the same standard of proof that courts hold themselves to.