Crying in dream part 2

by Gorbatchov 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gorbatchov

    Maybe you remember my post about my experience 3 weeks ago, waking up crying loud because I was dreaming about my mentaly disabled brother.

    I am sure it was a warning sign. My brother is now hospialized and in a half coma situation.

    My parents are broken and on dinial, thinking he will be the same as before the incident.

    They are praying for Armageddon, so he will be a normal healthy person.

    Today I visited them all and did see the effect of the watchtower unrealistic predictions and how this mentally effect my parents.

    I pray for my brother he will have no pain during this stage of his life.

    So, the dream seems a signal, an alarm signal for me. Maybe my brother, who can not speak at all, sended it out to me, living 100 km away.


  • lisaBObeesa

    Wow. I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Very sorry.

    I've had similar experences with dreams like this.

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    So sorry for you and your family. Must be hard to see them this way, knowing everything you know and observing them as an outsider (seen from a JW-view).

    My ex-husband's grandmother died yesterday, so there's a candle lit here already... I'll light another one for you too.

    Some dreams are messages, others are just images and emotions that need to be processed by the subconscious. It's hard to tell what dreams contain a message... but sometimes we subconsciously know there's something wrong and then dream about it. There's not only our five senses, energetically we can sense a lot more than you would normally expect.

    Sterkte Gorby

  • label licker
    label licker

    I feel your pain, Gorby. I had a brother who use to take up to fifty-two seizures in a day and is now a memory. Please feel free to pm me anytime. I also have a sister who is in a home for the disabled and her health is declineing with age. If there's anything we can possibly do at this end, please pm us.

    Your in our prayers and thoughts


  • quellycatface

    I am very sad in my heart for you and yours.I also suffer from vivid dreams due to anti depression drugs.keep telling us how you are feeling and what is happening.

    Take care now.


  • rebel8

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Gorby, I am so sorry to hear this news about your Brother.

    I hope he will be better soon.

    It must be such a hard time for you all.

    (((A big Internet hug of care and concern to you, your parents and your dear Brother)))



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