"The Society Hates Martyrs"

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Those words ring in my ears.

    Many years ago, the Society sought to take its revenge on three
    ex-circuit overseers who exposed how repressive and unjust
    Bethel life was. They had to be slow and careful about it, though,
    because they didn't want to make them into heroes. So, they
    shafted them a little at a time.

    I can just imagine how horrified the Society's shills must be
    in seeing their intended victims being turned into righteous
    martyrs - rather like the U.S. civil rights movement when
    vicious dogs were turned on peaceful protesters. They must be
    offended by the affrontery of ordinary people TELLING THEM

    Who knows? Getting df'd - or da'd may become a badge of honor
    for some - in their personal rejection of a dying cult that
    stubbornly rejects common morality - like avoiding lies.

    It would be wonderful to see their weapon of choice turned
    against them.


  • Matty

    Spot on metatron, thank you for that - it certainly made me think.

    The tide is turning at last, I can only hope that it doesn't fizzle out.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Except themselves,their God ordained.

    Guest 77

  • waiting

    Howdy Metatron,

    I thought it ironic to think of how it turned out for Ray Franz - an old man kicked out of GB at Bethel, living in a trailer with his wife. No retirement from a lifetime of working for WTBTS Corporation.

    Got a job in a grocery and doing yard work......not bothering anyone. Had dinner with his df'd boss and Voila! Another Spartacus was born - df'd. Crisis of Conscience, In Search of Religious Freedom, Internet site, many speaking engagements, private counseling other jw's.........ALL because the WTBTS just HAD to make a point - they were in control. Or, "The Society hates martyrs."

    Well, other martyrs are being made as we speak - other Spartacus are being raised. It's very dangerous to give a semi-disorganized group of angry persons a righteous goal to follow. They just might rise up and say "enough already."

    I think the WTBTS's ego is coming through. Of course, HS made the point that the WT has been planning for this day since Dateline was born in thought. Hope somebody smarter than me is out-thinking their lawyers.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I love your posts
    now this gem

    They must be
    offended by the affrontery of ordinary people TELLING THEM

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