Apparently, "letting your light shine before men" carries little
meaning for the Society. Perhaps they reason that their light
includes the promulgation of Watchtower rules and regulations
- rather than a positive recommendation of Christianity thru
good works and laudable behavior.
So, they'll likely 'get away with' repressing individual Witnesses
for exposing their wrongdoing to the public. Why should they care
about public opinion? Ordinary Witnesses will close their minds
and defend anything they do, so why worry about it?
Ah, but it's a little different this time, isn't it?
Getting tagged with child molestation and specific repression
isn't exactly 'suffering for righteousness sake', is it?
And it doesn't engender the same kind of 'rally round the flag'
response either, does it? Since this organization is so heavily
filled with PRETENSE, the same Witnesses who clap in assemblies,
may act very differently in private, when all eyes aren't on them!
Will this repression discourage contributions, already low?
Will this corruption discourage bequests to the Watchtower?
How 'bout meeting attendance?
Will this wrongdoing damage efforts to relieve persecution
in other countries by informing the public? (like letters
protesting what the French did to the WTS?)
and the biggie:
Will continuing pressure and exposure begin to erode the
myth of infallibility that the Watchtower works so hard to
maintain in the deluded minds of Witnesses? If there is ONE
THING that CAN cause Witnesses in a local congregation
to give up and walk away, it is the feeling that the elders
are fighting each other, that they have lost control, that they
are openly corrupt - I've seen it happen.
The Watchtower is SUPPORTING and FEEDING the very 'apostasy'
they love to decry! Every stupid decision and harsh misstep
creates and encourages more TROUBLE for them.
Hey, Bethel! Remember the words of Jesus to Paul?
"To keep kicking the goads makes it hard for you!"
They are cutting off their own future.
They are collectively gelding themselves.