I first found and read this book as a young man during the early 1980s while visiting the Bethel library. This library was located at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn New York. This book exists in its form now because of the interest that religion's leaders had in the original work Seola, from where this book was adapted.
In my own book Journey to God's House, I talk about the impact this book had on me at that time. As a young reverent Jehovah's Witness, I found this book to be fascinating and all the more so after I learned that most Jehovah's Witnesses consider this book the work from one of the fallen angels mentioned in the book. That is to say, they now believe it to be writing from a demon!
I recently purchased and re-read Angels and Women. As and avid reader, I still find it very intriguing and a one-of-a-kind book. It reads like a Biblical history book with a romance novel over tone and a dash of fantasy a la J.R.R. Tolkien.
Brock Talon