Angels and Women - A review

by LivingTheDream 8 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LivingTheDream

    I first found and read this book as a young man during the early 1980s while visiting the Bethel library. This library was located at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn New York. This book exists in its form now because of the interest that religion's leaders had in the original work Seola, from where this book was adapted.

    In my own book Journey to God's House, I talk about the impact this book had on me at that time. As a young reverent Jehovah's Witness, I found this book to be fascinating and all the more so after I learned that most Jehovah's Witnesses consider this book the work from one of the fallen angels mentioned in the book. That is to say, they now believe it to be writing from a demon!

    I recently purchased and re-read Angels and Women. As and avid reader, I still find it very intriguing and a one-of-a-kind book. It reads like a Biblical history book with a romance novel over tone and a dash of fantasy a la J.R.R. Tolkien.

    Brock Talon

  • Londo111

    BTW...your book should be arriving on my doorstep tommorow. I look forward to reading it.

  • flamegrilled

    As a book it's a probably only a compelling read to those who have some interest in the Biblical account of the flood.

    As far as it really being of demonic origin I don't think it is such, at least not any more so than any other book.

    I bought your book and enjoyed it by the way. I hope it's doing well for you. I know it's a lot of work and takes a lot of dedication to write a book.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Jim Rizolli was a fellow apostate on another discussion board a few years ago, and he told about how an elderly JW woman he knew gace him a CASE ofthe old books. He digitized it and sells a reprint in hard-copy or kindle on Amazon.

  • sir82

    I had an old-time Rutherford-ea JW give me his copy.

    As literature, it's kind of "meh".

    As a historical oddity given its ties to JWism, for me, it is quite valuable.

  • LivingTheDream

    Londo - Hope you like it!

    Flamegrilled - I'm a slow writer, so it took me nearly a year to finish the book. Yeah, it's a lot of work, especially when you think you are done and your editor marks it all up so much you feel like you're starting all over again. I've always been an avid reader, and now that I've published a book myself, I seem to enjoy others more. Lately I've been reading lots of other ex-JW books too. I've enjoyed them all...

    Flamegrilled and Sir82 - My wife is a historical romance novelist. I found a great deal in common with Angels and Women and that genre since I have now read her books and books like them. While they are not my cup of tea per se, I find the genre interesting because of that reason alone: my wife loves them, so I try to at least like them. Also, Angels and Women seems to be a historical romance novel in disguse. Finally, Angels and Women was a forbidden book and even now I enjoyed reading it as much as Crisis of Conscience: just for the "forbidden" factor alone. Of course, CoC is in a league of its own...

    Nathan Natas - my thanks to Mr. Rizzoli, wherever he is...


    Here's my previous posting on this book by the way: Angels and Women: Kinda like a Playboy

    Brock Talon

  • Londo111

    I'm about 120 pages in. Quite enjoying it. I wish I could relate to being popular with the ladies...I never had that conundrum.

    I believe Sam Herd mentioned this Angels and Women in a talk, didn't he? You would think they would want to hush that up, but GB members say the darndest things.

  • clarity

    "Evil angels and bad women have made countless millions mourn."


    Oh those baaaad women huh .... Rutherford no doubt alluded to this

    when he provocatively called down woman as just

    "a hank of hair & a piece of bone"!


    What an arse hole!


  • LivingTheDream

    Clarity -

    Wow. I remember one of the GB saying that at the breakfast table when I was at Bethel. I think it was Klein, but don't recall for sure. It sounds like him but won't swear to it.

    Anyway, this GB was complaining about all the Bethelites who would get married and then leave Bethel right away, mostly because their wives hated the place. He said "I can't believe fine spiritual brothers would give up the privilege of Bethel service for a bag of bones and a hank of hair!"

    We all laughed because we thought we were supposed to as everybody else did, and after all, we were trying so hard to be "good" and avoid women so we could stay at Bethel. But later I felt bad about it because the more I thought about it, the more it seemed demeaning to the fairer sex.

    I always did love women... but then again, I'm no angel...

    Brock Talon

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